Secret of the Gnomon pt III

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Bella is sitting on the steps, just in front of the door. She sends the text as soon as the car pulls up.

The back door opens and Bellona steps out. The driver grabs her bags and sets them down. Bellona takes her things as the driver pulls away.

"Bella Willow, will you be a dear and grab my bags please? They are awfully heavy," Bella took a few steps closer to Bella setting down her bags.

Bella doesn't move, "Can I ask you a few questions first?"

Bellona sighs, "I've had a long trip and an even longer month, get on with it."

"How'd you do it?" Bella stands up and walks down the steps, "How'd you kill him?"

Bellona laughs, "Honestly you choose to ask me that now?"

"I just want to know. I deserve to know," Bella stands in front of her mother.

"Bella Willow do not ask me about your father again, grab my bags and bring them inside. And why aren't you at camp? Sharon didn't call me saying you left." Bellona huffed and crossed her arms.

Bella took a deep breath, "It's ok. You don't have to answer, because I figured it out. You shot the front tire, passenger side. You knew the road we were on was crumbling and slick in places. You waited until Dad had gotten to one of those spots and shot the tire making us hit a big oak. What I don't understand is why I didn't die too. We were going over 50 miles per hour. If it killed him it should have killed me too. Why didn't it?"

Bellona uncrossed her arms, "You didn't eat breakfast that day. Your blood wasn't... thin like his was."

"You put blood liner in breakfast?" Bella nodded, "So he would bleed more from his injuries."

Bellona shrugged, "He was prescribed them. It was his fault he took too many that day."

"It was his fault he ate the breakfast you made him? So it's his fault that Shoupe's standing behind you isn't it? It's his fault you confessed to the murder of Andrew Matthews?"

Bellona's brows furrowed, "What?" She whipped around and saw Shoupe standing there with several officers behind him.

"Bellona Ray you are under arrest for the murder of Andrew Matthews, and the multiple accounts of attempted murder on Bella Matthews." Shoupe grabbed her and turned her around, putting cuffs on her.

Her shocked face turned to Bella, "What is the meaning of this? Where's Sebastian, he won't believe a word of this! She's a liar Shoupe I have-"

"Shut up Bellona," Sebastian walked up and placed a hand on Bella's shoulder. "I have video evidence of your confession. You're done. There's no getting out of this."

"You can't do this! She's lying! He died in a car accident!" Bellona screamed as she was taken to Shoupe's truck. "You can't do this!"

"Goodbye Bellona," Bella raised her hand as Shoupe shut the door.

Bellona glared at her daughter for as long as she could. Shoupe turned down the street.

Bella's knees buckled and she staggered to the ground. JJ rushed forward and caught her. 

"It's ok, it's ok. She can't ever hurt you again," JJ held her tightly.

Sebastian joined the hug, "It's over Bella. It's over."

She sobbed into their shoulders. Finally letting herself grieve. Finally letting herself feel safe.


18 Months Later

"An expedition of one man, John Routledge, and a group of teenagers, who are with us today. Locals who grew up here and who succeeded where centuries of conquistadors, explorers, and admirals failed."

John B and Sarah are holding hands, and so are Cleo and Pope. Kiara shoots a smile at Nia who was sitting in the front row.

JJ sits back and puts his arm around Bella, she glances up at him and smiles. He gives her a sly wink as he fixes his leather jacket.

"Today we come together to celebrate these teens, friends from both sides of the island who came together to solve this 500-year-old mystery. Let's hear it for them!"

The crowd starts to cheer.

They are all sitting on the porch smiling at one another as the crowd cheers.

They all stand up together. Bella catches Sebastian hollering in excitement making her laugh.

Kiara's parents are cheering, Heyward's mom is crying as his dad claps.

"This is crazy," Sarah mutters to John B.

They have Denmark's diary, pictures, the gnomon, and everything they used to solve the mystery of El Dorado out on display for everyone to look at.

JJ says, "Look, ok I need a reset. I need a reset right now. This is a lot."

Bella laughs, "Hmm who knew Jay wouldn't like being center of attention for the whole island."

JJ put his arm around her shaking his head. "It's time to celebrate."

"I'll take one hit," Pope grins. "One."

Cleo laughs, "Bad man now."

"Man, Sebastian really knows how to put this stuff together. Big John would've thought this was all bullshit," Sarah laughs.

John B nods, "Yeah, he kind of hated this side of the island."

"But I know you're thinking about him."

"I don't know. After everything that's happened, it's just... it's just different. It just feels so normal. You know? Kie's saving turtles, Pope's going away to school, Bella's started up her non-profit, and JJ bought the charter boat. And we've got a killer surf shop."

"Yeah, that's all good, right?"


A man walks up to them, "Excuse me. I- I don't mean to interrupt."

Sebastian was with him, "Hey kids, someone I'd like you to meet."

The others join John B and Sarah. 

"Uh, can we help you?" Pope looks from Sebastian to the man.

"Yes, I wanted to tell you all it's remarkable what you all did. Royal Merchant, El Dorado, Denmark Tanny. Impressive resume, impressive. Sebastian here has told me all about your talents. I was wondering if you all would be so kind as to look at an item of mine."

"Oh yeah? What type of item is that?" Cleo asks.

"It's a manuscript." He pulls out the item, "I would investigate it myself, but I'm too long in the tooth. I need partners, and you all were first on my list."

Pope holds out his hand, "May I?"

"I was hoping you would," he hands the book to Pope.

"1718, jeez this is old." Pope starts to flip through it, "Exhibition notes, dates."

John B looks at the man, "This is a captain's log. This shows the exact position of the ship."

"The exact location where the ship sailed and where it stopped."

"Who is the captain?" JJ asked.

"Edward Teach."

Bella looked up at the man in surprise, recognizing the name. "Blackbeard."

The others all share a look.

John B grins, "Hot damn."



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