The Cross pt II

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WC: 1,454

They finished reburying Cecile.

"I- I just don't get it," Pope sputters. "I mean, you guys saw the map. He hides his gold so no one finds it for 170 years. And then he sends a message to his son Robert to come here to his mother's grave, but the message never gets to him. And Denmark wanted him to find the cross. I know we're in the right spot."

JJ leans next to Bella against the Twinkie. He looks up at something and his face changes.

Bella quickly turns and looks at his line of vision. He points at the tree and she realizes what he means.

"Like we missed something?" JJ walks to the tree, "Guys. Come here."

He climbs up and reaches the hole in the center of the tree.

"There he goes," John B says.


Bella is just behind him, standing on the Twinkie, when Kiara joins them.

"That looks like-" JJ smiles. 

Kiara nods, "The painting in the island room."

"It's worth a shot, right?"

"Let's do it," John B says. 

"Go for it."

Kiara shakes her head, "No chance."

Bella rolled her eyes and stepped forward.

"You do it!" Sarah says.

"Sorry," Kiara pulled Bella back. "We went into the storm drain so..."

"They did go in the storm drain," Pope agreed.

JJ stepped forward, "Yeah, no, I'm gonna do it. It's just..."

"He's scared," Kiara whispered.

"I'm not scared, dude."

"You seem scared."

Bella grinned, "Don't let anything bite your hand off Jay."

"Mmm, real helpful Ella." JJ put his hand into the hole. "There's something in here." JJ chuckles, "Wait." He starts screaming. 

Bella rolls her eyes, "Come off it Jay!"

Everyone else shouts and starts to grab onto him.

He laughs.

"You asshole," Pope groans.

"Oh man! I almost got all of you on that one," JJ looks at Bella. "I'll get you one of these days."

"As if," Bella laughed. "I'll admit, that was a good one."

He laughed, "Wait but seriously there's something in here." He reached further in and pulled out a telescope.

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