Fathers and Sons pt II

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WC: 2,076

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WC: 2,076

JJ climbs up to the top deck where Pope was. JJ glances back and smiles seeing Bella talking with the other girls. "Almost to port yet bro, you wanna fill her up? Need to get some food too."

Pope nods, he was the one driving now, "Hey man..."

"I know you think you saw something but nothing happened. I swear it."

"I didn't say anything happened."

JJ ran a hand through his hair, "We're pogues man, we don't lie to each other."

"Then you should tell her. She has a right to know."

"I will, I will tell her. I just..." he sighed.

"Don't break her heart, ok? She's been through too much shit to add that on top. We'd actually lose her this time."

JJ groaned, "I know that. Believe me I know that. And I won't break her heart, I never want to hurt her man. I've been in love with her since we were 10."

"Just don't fuck it up, that's all I'm saying."


"To life, living, and the pursuit of treasure," Big John cheers his shot glass with John B's.

"That's a good one."

They both drink.

Big John laughs, "You see, that'll put hair on your chest there."

"So what's the deal with this whole big kahuna thing?"


"I mean, how did you end up on Barbados?"

"Well same way you did and for the same reason too. The treasure. And Carlos Singh." They both chuckle. "Yeah, I was marooned out on the Shoals for what felt like months, living on seaweed and sweat and rainwater, and fixed myself up to be crab food. Thought I was a goner. Singh must have tracked my boat, then his men showed up. He must have known I was onto something because they found me. And at first I thought I was being rescued. Turns out it was less of a rescue mission, more of a captivity-type deal. Yeah. I didn't go without a fight. We left one of his men behind, as I'm sure you've heard. Next thing I know, I'm being shipped off to Barbados. Singh's place. They locked me up in some audacious estate surrounded by cane fields and armed guards. I meet this particular little man, Singh. He wants to cut a deal with me. He wants me to tell him everything I know in exchange for keeping me alive. But it didn't take long before I caught onto the game. So as soon as I got a change, I took it. Got roughed up by Singh's men, but I made it out. And not empty-handed." He taps the piece, "And here I am, back with my boy." He chuckles.

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