Welcome to Kitty Hawk pt III

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WC: 2,355

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WC: 2,355

JJ pulls up to Kitty Hawk seeing two guards. "Ah shit."

"Hold it right there please," one of them walks over to JJ.

"How are y'all doing?"

"Can I help you?"

"Hey there, uh, sir, I... Camp counselor Laura, I'm her- I'm her brother. I was actually just gonna drop off one of these packages back here for her, if that's ok? It's real quick. I promise, just in and out."

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Thank you so much, alright. Y'all have a good day."

JJ finds a place to park and gets out. He waves his hand, "Hi there, sir, uh, I'm looking for- I'm looking for the office."


"Is there a main lodge or something? Like main lodge? Right down there?" JJ points to where the man was also pointing. "Appreciate it."

"Right down there."

JJ opens the door, "How's it going, ma'am? Um..."

"Uh, can I help you son?" The woman looks at JJ. 

"I have a message for two of your campers here. Um... her name is Kiara, uh, Carrera and Bella Matthews. They're here right?"

"Unfortunately, we're not allowed to do that. You're not even supposed to be here on campus."

"Ok, it's just- it's just that it's very important, may I sit?" JJ takes a seat anyways. "A very important matter, ma'am."

"Oh I'm sure it is, sweetie, but we have a policy. No contact from the outside world for the first six weeks. And Bella is on the no contact at all list."

"Right. Ma'am. It's actually a family matter, and uh... I'm- I'm related to her. Kiara that is. I'm her cousin. So look I know you got a policy and all, but there's just been something that happened recently that... You know what? I'm getting a little emotional right now." JJ sat back tears pooling in his eyes. "So I think I should go. I'm sorry. I shouldn't even be here, like you said, so I'll leave you alone. But before I leave, could you just let her know, Kiara and Bella. I know Bella's Kiara's best friend and she'd want her to know, um... just that, uh... Marley didn't make it?"

"Who's Marley?"

"Marley's her other best friend. A Siamese mix, and um, yeah, it was really sudden. And you know, uh- the mailman was coming at 40 miles per hour so..." JJ snapped. "He's in a better place now. But um could you just let the both of them know that for me? I'd really appreciate that. Thank you, ma'am. You have a great one."

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