Secret of the Gnomon

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WC: 1,456

JJ holds up a map, "We're gonna be landing about a couple hours out of Tres Rocas, at a farm. It's right here."

"A couple of hours?" Kiara asks.

Bella sighs and looks at the map.

"Yeah, but Barracuda Mike says there's a bus into town we should be able to catch, so..."

"Jayj, what if they're not there?" Kiara asks.

"If they're not there..." JJ looks at Bella and then Kiara, "Free vacation. I mean we're on an adventure, come on now."

Kiara grins and shakes her head. 

Bella chuckles.

JJ grins at her and his eyes catch her necklace, he reaches forward and grabs the pendant putting it under her shirt, "Just in case."

"Just in case," she nods placing her hand over it.


JJ, Kiara, and Bella hop out of the plane as guys start to grab weed and place it into the cargo hold.

"Damn. Barracuda Mike's got this import-export thing down," JJ says. He spots the bus, "Oh wait, yo. Barracuda it that our executive coach to Tres Rocas right there?"

Mike nods, "It is smart ass. Hey. We have a deal, remember? You still owe me for that lost load."

"I remember, alright?"

"Hey JJ."


"Word of advice."


"This ain't Kildare. Try and lay low."

"Sure thing, chief."


"So right here, you have Tesoro," the man says, drawing in the sand. "Up here, Orinoco, right? And they say up here, El Dorado."

"Wait," JJ starts.

Kiara asks, "Who says?"

"All the world."

"If all the world says it, why hasn't it been found?"

"Some people say it doesn't exist. Some people say it's hidden, and only one very special person can find it. Save for the guides of course."

"Uh huh."

"Guides?" Kiara asks.

"You know, people who know where El Dorado is but don't take the gold for themselves? The person who finds El Dorado is meant to have a guide with them. But most people say it's maldito."

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