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"Okay, so the how works." Steve said, they had brought up all the stones they needed to collect. "Now, we gotta figure out the when and the where."

"Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones." Steve said, looking over everyone.

"Or substitute the word 'encounter' for 'damn near been killed' by one of the six Infinity Stones." Tony interrupted, walking past the screens.

"Well I haven't, but I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about." Scott said, looking dumbfounded. Theo looked at the man grimacing.

"Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round-trip each. And these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history." Bruce-Hulk said, walking to the front with Tony and Steve.

"Our history." Tony added. "So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in, yeah?"

"Which means we have to pick our targets." Clint spoke up. Tony agreed.

"So, let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?" Steve said towards the drunken man. Everyone turned to him.

"Is he...dead?" Theo questioned, leaning back against his chair to see the man.

"Pretty sure." Rhoades said. When the man finally woke up he spoke about the stones, going on a sob story about some girl he used to date. Luckily, people had ordered Chinese.

Theo interrupted him. "The angry sludge, sorry Thor, I know an easier way to get it. Nowhere."

"What?" Steve asked, looking at the boy.

"Rocket, remember Pandora came back she was on knowhere and had the reality stone. That's why she knew it was on there when were searching for it, before Thanos took it." Theo turned to Rocket, he also realised what he was saying.

"Okay, so Pandora, our friend, Theo's girlfriend." Rocket rolled his eyes slightly. "Obtained the Aether a while ago, before Thanos whipped everyone out, she took it to Knowhere and gave it to a collector."

"So is Pandora a planet?" Natasha asked, writing things down.

"No, well yes, kind of? She's a planet in human form who took the 'sludge' to knowhere. Knowhere, with a k, is a planet." Theo said, watching her right it all down. "Also, you guys had the power stone, didn't you?" Rocket nodded.

"Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag." Rocket said, standing on the table.

"Is that a person?" Bruce-Hulk asked.

"No, Morag's a planet." Rocket snapped. "Quill was a person."

"Like a planet? Like in outer space?" Scott finally asked, he noticed the mentions of planets before when the two talked about the reality stone.

"Oh, look. It's like a little puppy all happy and everything. Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy?" Rocket teased the man, petting his head. "I'll take you to space."

"Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir." Nebula said.

"What is Vormir?" Natasha asked, writing it all down. She asked this before anyone else could get confused with all the strange names.

"A dominion of death at the very centre of celestial existence. It's where Thanos murdered my sister." Nebula struggled out, everyone looked down slightly. Avoiding her gaze.

"Not it." Scott said, Theo closed his eyes and sighed at the man. Everyone else slowly started to leave, it became a lot of work trying to track a perfect plan to capture these stones.

Enjoyy hopefully I'll get an update either this weekend or whenever I'm next free 🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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