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Just outside knowhere:
Music was playing loudly across the ship. Something about being an alligator. Pandora thought it was quite weird but it was good 'music' according to Quill.

They had arrived at their destination of, a massive head. "What is that?" Dora questioned.

"It's called knowhere. The severed head of an ancient celestial being. Be wary heading in, rodent. There are no regulations whatsoever here." Gamora explained.

Dora felt sparks at the end of her fingers but nothing dark creeping in yet. Although, she did feel something dark approaching it wasn't her.

Gamora had started to explain the history of knowhere but Dora was too busy listening to this crocodile man, to really care.

They had landed the ship and started to walk through the busy streets no doubt being pick pocketed along the way.

"I come from a family of outlaws" Quill explained. Obviously trying to impress Gamora. He then started listening peoples names that must of been from earth. Non of them really knew.

"Sounds like a place, which I would like to visit." Drax said out loud. Pandora was starting to like him. No matter how stupid he, most certainly, was.

"Yeah you should." Quill replied.

Suddenly a heard of small knowheres came rushing through she stayed back with Groot to watch him grow a small flower and gift it to a beggar girl. Dora secretly used her magic to make it last forever. She walked away, a smile on her face, with Groot.

She watched a guy get shoved from the door. "This is no respectable establishment" Drax exclaimed.
Dora had to agree but this whole place doesn't look very respectable so it fits in with the rest very well. Groot, Rocket and Drax had all decided to watch a battle of the little creatures and drink some 'tea'. Whilst Gamora and Quill wondered outside, and Dora was left on her lonesome. She didn't mind she had decided to wonder the streets after she had stolen one of Quills mixtapes and headphones she listened to a song called 'The chains'.

It was great. She had brought some jewellery that probably had some curse hidden within, or it was fake. Either way it was a beautiful lilac colour. Her favourite. The man selling it had put it on for her.

"what are you listening to?" He said. He was human she knew that. She turned to him "The chain by-" she began.

"By fleetwood Mac" he responded. They looked at each other with a spark in their eyes. She had time to waste and she was bored. "What is your name?" He looked down at her.

"Lyra. The names Lyra." She didn't care to ask for his instead just let him continue to talk about his jewellery.

She did, after more wondering if the streets, hear noises coming from a bar not far down the street and so walked in. She didn't expect a horrible argument she had to face.

"He thinks I'm some stupid thing! He does" rocket yells. Dora knew she should've stayed with the boys to make sure rocket didn't go spilling unwanted secrets he would regret when sober.
"Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart, and put back together, over and over and turned into some...some little monster!" Her heart hurt for rocket. It did. When he told her about his past he let him sob and sob for hours. She instantly regretted telling that guy her name was Lyra knowing how the name reminded rocket of his horrible past.

"Your not a monster rocket! No one will ever call you that." Dora announced coming out of the crowd. Her eyes filled with sorrow for rocket. Forced to bring up a past long forgotten.

"He called me 'vermin'!" Rocket screamed out. Dora slowly turned to Drax her fingertips feeling a tingly sensation except it shot out a much darker colour then before. She knew being angry wouldn't help Rocket. But she couldn't help it. Gamora noticed this and reached out to slightly hold her hand. Dora looked at Gamora shocked and thankful. Though it was soon lost when Rocket yelled. "She called me 'rodent'!" Gamora felt a slight bolt of electrical shoot through her arm.
"Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots to your frickin face!" Dora couldn't let this happen she knew Rocket might regret it later so she made sure to stand directly in front of both.

But Quill had the same idea stammering a bunch of no's Dora decided to step out incase Rocket wanted to take Quill out. "Five Billion units! Rocket! Come on,man.Hey!" This seemed to get Rockets attention. "Suck it up for one more lousy night and your rich."

Rocket replied his voice cracking "fine. But I can't promise, when this is all over I'm not gonna kill every last on of you jerks." Ignoring the piercing glare from Dora.

"See that's exactly why non of you have friends!" Quill yelled out.

"Hey!" Dora yelled out she just made a friend even if that friend was some random humie. She was thankful no one questioned her disappearance.

"Five seconds after you meet somebody, you're already trying to kill them!" Quill yelled. It was true but they all had the same 'lack of family love' reason to do it. Even Quill.

"We have travelled, halfway across the quadrant. And Ronan is no closer to being dead." Drax said Gamora finally able to push him away Peter yelled after him but it was best to just let him go.

A women stepped out of the elevator just after all the drama had ended coincidentally. "Milady Gamora. I'm here fetch you for my master."

Coming down from a drunk high
Told a boy I liked his abs
Told everyone on my priv I loved them
Found the meaning of life
I felt like I was a bird
Told the same boy I liked him
A lot of dancing and gin
Anyways idk what half of this says I can't read atm so enjoy an early release xxx

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