Oh well

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"The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever had one goal. To bring balance to the universe by wiping out half of all life. He used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre." Gamora explained looking out the window.

"Including my own." Drax added.

"If he gets all six infinity stones he can do it with the snap of his fingers like this." Gamora further explained snapping her fingers to prove how easy it is for Thanos.

"You seem to know a great deal about Thanos." Thor said hunched over his soup.

"Gamora is the daughter of Thanos." Drax said.

"Your father killed my brother." Thor said standing up.

"Stepfather, technically." Pandora said trying to protect Gamora, still holding Pheonix in her hands. In turn Thor turned to her with recognition. Everyone knew her story. Two planets colliding, she came out, had power, got taken, powers improved, now she's part of guardians of the galaxy. Last part less known.

"And she's hates him as much as you do." Quill added to Dora.

"Families can be tough. Before my father died, he told me that I had a half-sister that he imprisoned in Hell. And then she returned home and stabbed me in the eye. So I had to kill her. That's life though, isn't it, I guess. Goes round and round and I feel your pain." Thor rambled about his sad life unaware of an ever jealous Quill.

"I feel your pain as well" Quill started not noticing the intense eye contact between Gamora and Thor. "I mean it's not a competition, but I've been through a lot. My father killed my mother and then I had to kill my father. That was hard. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Plus I came out with both my eyes, which was-"

"I need a hammer, not a spoon." Thor interrupted not at all listening to kills I'm better than you speech. "How do I open this thing? Is there some sort of, uh a four digit code, maybe? Maybe a birthdate." The group watched as he wondered off following him soon after.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Rocket asked the question they all needed.

"Taking your pod." Thor said still trying birthdates, even though he knew none of theirs.

"No, you're not." Quill said gruffly. "You will not be taken out pod today, sir."

"What is that?" Dora asked turning to him with confusion. Ready to mock him if she was right about what he was doing.

"I'm not doing anything. I'm just asking him to not take our pod." He continued the voice.

"Yes you are, you're making your voice deeper." Rocket said scrunching his face in confusion as well.

"No." Quill said watching as Thor came closer.

"You are" was the immediate response from Theo.

"You're imitating the god-man. It's weird." Drax said.

"No, I'm not." Quill said his voice continually sounding weird.

"He just did it again!" Mantis said with a gasp.

"This is my voice." Quill insisted.

"Oh, wow! Now it's just getting creepy Quill." Dora said inching away from Quill with Rocket.

"Are you mocking me?" Thor said stepping down from the steps.

"Are you mocking me?" Quill said backing away from the god.

"Stop it. You did it again." Thor said becoming annoyed.

"He's trying to copy me." Quill said turning to the group. Which earned a few eye rolls.

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