Black magic woman

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Pandora decided to wonder off into the woods. She couldn't really see that well and so she tripped. Luckily she was caught before she landed in some leaves.

"Thanks." She looked into beautiful brown eyes, whilst he looked into her big doe eyes.

The night Theodore Brekark and Pandora Lyra Nova looked into each others eyes they had felt like all the stars and the planets aligned for that moment. For just a second they felt the universes had stopped.

He felt like he had become part of her orbit. Having to be around her or else he'll lose control. She felt the opposite. Completely out of orbit. No control. She didn't know this new emotion. In over 1000 years she had never felt such emotions from looking into a strangers eyes.

If you were to ask them in the future this would be the night they fell in love 'love at first sight' they would say, in actuality they had felt something that night and had continued it for many more. Falling in love again and again and again with each other.

Back to the moment they found each other though. "Hi" he replied a grin coming across his face.

"Hi" she smiled more before realising she had to say more. "I'm Pandora. My friends call me Dora"

"Yeah, I'm Theodore. My friends call me Theo." He said before realising he didn't have any friends.

"Thanks for catching me, before the leaves got me." She said awkwardly.

"Yeah" he said a stupid grin still sat on his face.

"Yeah" an even stupider grin sat on hers.
She noticed the forest seemed almost lighter then when she originally entered it and looked down to find the source. "Are you magic or just happy to meet me?"

"What? Oh, alien magic." He said looking down. His hand had created a ball of light. This power was simply passed through his family from his fathers side. Pandora joined him and created a small plasma ball mixing with light pinks and purple. Not a sign of darkness whisking through.

It was something about each other that kept any harm at bay. For Pandora despite feeling out of control when meeting him, she seemed almost distracted enough to stay in control. Whilst Theo, feeling in control was natural. Pandora just seemed to reassure that fact.

Theo became worried she would be seen by Ego and put his hand over her plasma ball. Luckily it held no danger, otherwise he wouldn't have a hand.

He grabbed her hand and led her back to the campfire. She was a bit confused as this sudden anxious behaviour. But she followed him anyway she thought he could just be worried Ego would leave without him.

On the other side of the forest Quill and Gamora we're debating on Quills father when they noticed a white light wondering through the forest. When they saw the familiar hues of pink and worried that Pandora could be trouble. Especially when it went out. Gamora backed away from Quill, previously holding his hand and ran back to camp to find Pandora letting go of the boys hand. She was avoiding Rockets gaze hoping he hadn't noticed the two.

Icl I completely forgot i wrote Theo with light powers, I gave him something else as well.
The chapter title is actually a song name 😭

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