Think about me

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"He went through my mind Gamora. It was like he was finding something. For himself or for Ego. I don't know, but I think he found it" she said to Gamora sitting on the edge of her seat.

Gamora had sat on the floor trying to provide comfort for Pandora. "He stumbled across a memory I didn't even know I had. Maybe Ego wants me like...they did." She put the possibility out there just in case.

"I told this to Peter. If her turns out bad, we just kill him." Let Pandoras hands rest in hers. "If you feel anything wrong or see something we will kill that boy, at least. Okay, Dory?" She pulled Dora up.

"Okay." She said starting to smile again. A small part of her still feared what could happen on this Ego planet. "Gamora." She whispered as said person was turned away.

She knew Rocket had already told Gamora and Quill parts of her past, she didn't mind as it was only small parts. She struggled to go into detail. Thinking back to Rocket, she didn't think she would need to go back to her past again. She had started to trust Gamora more then she ever thought possible. "Yes, Dory." Gamora asked.

"Is it okay if I tell you what he saw." Dora said looking down. Gamora nodded and sat back down, patting the seat next to her.

Dora started fiddling with the rings Gamora gave her. "He searched through my mind, definitely on purpose. He found my past. I know Rocket told you some things as well. He found my worst self. I had no control Gamora. I- I- was going from planet to planet. I was unstoppable. My mind had been tampered with. Split apart just to be put back together. Evil people found the root of my power and took advantage. They ripped every single nerve that could have power just to study it. It was like a curse that they put me under. As soon as they were ready they sent me out. I was their killing machine. I was worse than Ronan. Than Thanos. Remember when the collector showed me destroying planets. It sparked a memory that I didn't know I had. I'm scared Gamora. What if I turn into that monster again?" Dora explained a few tears sliding down. Gamora wiped a tear that had started to fall.

"You won't. Trust me." Gamora tried a small smile on her face.

"How do you know?" Dora asked looking up again.

"Because you have something you didn't have last time, you have family. Remember how many times Rocket and Groot stopped you from going overboard. Now you have more to help." Gamora reassured. Both girls felt a bond overcome them. Gamora felt like an older sister to her, even though Dora was almost 1000 years older.

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