Only over you

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Pandora noticed Spiderman grabbing all her friends. "Spider thing grab him." She said tilting her head towards Theo. Luckily he heard. She was also pushing the large planet back to its original place.

When it was finally back in its place she decided to go face Thanos. The man who caused her existence. The man who caused this whole mess. The man who was not a man, not even a mad titan, a monster. A monster who had caused his own daughters death in return for a stone. A monster who had caused her sisters death. She didn't lash out like Quill, because she couldn't, she knew she couldn't. If she did she might of killed everyone in the galaxy, without stones to help her.

She watched Iron man struggle fighting Thanos. He was smashed into the ground, his suit slowly coming off. She couldn't let these people die, not after she just blocked a moon from killing one.

"Moving planets must be your forte Thanos." She said walking up to him, her fingertips ablaze. Her eyes shimmered with a light purple.

"Pandora. How nice it is to meet you again." He smirked turning towards her, ripping what he stabbed into Tony.

"I never met you. Your friends did. Your torture did. Your ideas did. But never you." She said angrily. "You killed me, over and over. So now I will kill you, once. Not for me, for Gamora." The tears in her eyes were not of sadness, but determination and revenge. She pushed her hands forwards enclasping his glove to stop him from trying. Although she did feel all stones against her.

Whisps wrapped around Thanos, tightening. She noticed black escaping and, for just a moment, she faltered. Just for a moment. The power of the stones merged together breaking her bond around him. He reached out wrapping his hand around her neck.

"Pandora, you were nothing but a power source to us, to bring peace to worlds. But now I see, you have become ungrateful. Not even bothering to use your powers to the fullest." He said tightening, the girl struggled against his grip. She stared straight into his unforgiving eyes at it seemed all life was draining.

"Stop!" Strange yelled. Thanos dropped her to the floor, still keeping his hand out incase of attack. "Spare her life and I will give you the stone." He looked up.

"No tricks." Thanos demanded like a child. Pandora was in shock, she thought Strange was supposed to be smart. Dora would gladly be killed if it meant the stone would remain safe.

"Don't." Tony yelled, struggling to breath. She crawled over to him, trying to heal his wounds slightly. Strange showed the time stone, passing it to the Titan. Tony and Dora both gasped in pain and horror.

Peter tried to attack the titan, remaining unsuccessful as he disappeared. "Where is he?" He yelled.

"Earth." Dora replied her throat and body sore, tears started to escape.

"Did we just lose?" Quill said, unsure he wanted to hear the answer.

"Why would you do that?" Tony whispered to Strange.

"We're in the endgame now." He replied.

Her friends might die. Her family might die. Her lover might die. All of humanity might die. Just because she faultered, all because she was afraid the darkness had crept back. She should've let it, it would've destroyed Thanos. Perhaps her with it. One death over millions seemed like a fair trade to her.

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