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They had taken all their gear off grunting in pain as they did so. "What are they called again?" Drax asked staring intently at the batteries.

"Anulax batteries." Quill said getting his jacket on.

"Harbulary batteries." Drax responded standing back up. They all turned to look at him.

"That's nothing like what I just said. But, they're worth thousands of units a piece which is why the Sovereign hired us to protect them." She watched as one the the holders slightly dimmed for a split second, and then Rocket and Groot walked from behind it. "Careful what you say around these folks they're easily offended. The cost of transgression is death."

They all walked to a giant gold sphere letting Ayesha, the leader, give her thank you speech "we thank you, guardians, for putting your lives on the line. We could not risk the lives of our own Sovereign citizens. Every citizen..." most of the Guardians had zoned out by this point she only wanted to talk about how great she is. Until Peter snapped them back to reality with his human nature.

"I guess I prefer to make people the old-fashioned way." No one wanted to hear the rest of this history lesson. The whole room knowing what kind academic purposes they really meant.

"Oh please," thank god, Gamora stepped in "your people promised something in exchange for our services. Bring it and we shall gladly be on our way." Finally the reward they were waiting for. Nebula? Nebula. They just thought that giant thing for Nebula.

"What a cute family reunion yay" Dora said in a sing song voice trying to lighten the mood. Peter joined, waving his arms a little.

"I understand she is your sister." Ayesha said.

"She's worth no more to me than the bounty due on her on Xandar." Gamora said looking straight at Nebula, before grabbing her by her cloak.

"Our soldiers apprehended her attempting to steal the batteries." She stood up and her crown somehow disappeared "do with her as you please." At this Gamora started to drag Nebula away pushing her to stay infront.

"We thank you, High Priestess Ayesha." He said starting to turn away.

"What is your heritage, Mr Quill? And your friend over there?"

"My mother is from Earth." Quill said all knowing not to reveal what Pandora was just incase they wanted her.

"And your father?" She pestered.

"He ain't from Missouri. That's all I know." He said trying to brush off the subject.

"I see it within you. An unorthodox genealogy. A hybrid that seems particularly reckless. And you Pandora Nova we knew who you were the second you walked through. Born from the collision of two planets. Who caused more destruction than seen before." She said causing both Peter and Pandora to look down.

"You know, they told you people were conceited douchebags but that isn't true at all." Rocket said angry on Pandoras part but he winked at her with the wrong eye, again. This caused the crowd to let out loud gasps of shock. "Oh, shit! I'm using my wrong eye again arent I?"

"Yes Rocket you were." Pandora muttered to him, quickly turning to walk away before it got messy.

"I'm sorry that was meant to be behind your back." Rocket shouted out an apology. But, just a moment later a loud laugh was heard from Drax.


Smash getting closer to Theo xxxx

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