Chapt. 28

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Yes! I have been waiting all of high school for this moment. Prom! This will be the last prom of my entire life, so that means I have to make it good. Wait! I have to make it great.

I don't like to get too deep with information but...I was debating weather or not I'd have some fun with Ian later on after Prom. His mom was spending the night at the casino so his house would be free. I'm still thinking about it.

Anyways I had taken my shower and straightened my hair. After I had put on the dress, I continued on my hair. I put it in a high pony tail and  curled the ends (with the help of my mum) and bangs.

Next was my make-up. I don't put much on. The only make-up I use is mascara, eye liner and eye shadow. I don't understand how girls put on a shit ton of make-up. Sometimes it doesn't look good.

The last thing was my shoes and necklace. I put on my light purple wedges and check myself in the mirror to see if I looked good. I stared at my Playboy necklace and put it on. I was ready for tonight.

What do you know! I was ready before Ian had arrived. He said he was on his way so he must of been on time. I began to shake. Was I nervous? Probably. 

As I waited for Ian to ring the doorbell at any moment, I was still debating if I should do it (I hope you understand).

The doorbell rang and my mum opened up the door. I peaked through my bedroom door and saw Ian wearing his black tux and purple tie. He looked so cute!

"Hi Ian how are you?" My mum asked him. He said he was fine and before their conversation became awkward, I walked down the stairs and smiled at my Ian.



"Hi Ian how are you?" Maria's mother asked me. I told her it was fine. Things grew quite for a bit, that's when Maria walked down the stairs and smiled at me.

I can't believe how beautiful she looked. Not only that but she was smoking (hot). But she was wearing the Playboy necklace I gave her. Maria is so sweet. That's why I love her.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and held my hand. "You don't need to blush babe. It's only me." I guess I started to blush. Damn it.

"Aw you two look so cute together! Can I get a picture?" Maria nodded her head. I liked her mom. She not the type of parent to embarrass her children. She's also the type to ask to take a picture and not just take the picture by force, like other parents. cough cough my mom.

"Okay, one, two, three!" As she counted down, I grabed Maria's waist like a gentleman, yes GENTLEman, and smiled. Her mom took  the picture and Maria and I left the house and hopped into the car.

As we were driving, the car was extremely quite. The radio wasn't on and I was too busy driving. Maria was also busy fixing her make-up and adding more lip gloss to her lips.

"So, what are we doing after Prom?" I asked her. She stopped what she was doing and stared at the road.



"So, what are we doing after Prom?" Ian asked. I still wasn't sure on what I wanted to do. And I don't even know what Ian wanted to do.

"Uh, I'm still not sure. I was still thinking about.." I was cut off by my own boyfriend. It didn't really matter to me.

"Still thinking about what?" He asked. I gave him a look and he had and idea of what I was thinking. He looked at me once and looked back on the road. He looked again and his eyes lit up and was set back on the road.

"You really want it?" He asked. Ian seemed pretty nervous at the moment. I nodded my head and smiled. I became nervous since I usually don't do stuff like this. 

"Wow Maria I didn't know you wanted to take it to the next level." Ian said. It wasn't even the "next level". That level should come when you're married and stuff. Not in high school.

"But first we should get to Prom. And don't tell any of our friends. Especially Kassem. I'm still not sure about it." Ian nodded his head and continued to drive to Prom.

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