Chapt. 27

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*Ian's Journal*

May 6

Prom is NEXT WEEK. I'm so nervous. And it's not because of how beautiful Maria would look. It's cause I don't want to screw up Prom like I did last year. But it wasn't my fault completely.

If it wasn't for Eli, it would have been so much better.

Anyways I was thinking of renting a limo. Maybe not. I couldn't afford one anyways. When we went to the dress store, Maria tried on a million dresses (not really) and she looked great in all of them. But the purple one stood out the most.

I really hope Prom goes great. I'm seriously praying every night that nothing goes bad and Maria and our group is safe the whole night.

And the only thing we'd have to worry about is how we look and how good of a dancer each of us are.

Dear God, don't let anything happen!

May 8

Maria and the girls talked about the seating arrangement again! I can never cuddle with my babe when I want to. There's either an excuse or I keep forgetting to cuddle with her.

That's not the problem. The real problem is I heard Eli escaped from Juvey. Shit, like things couldn't  get worse?

But it's just a rumor. It's a rumor that scared me. This is the second night in a row that I couldn't sleep. Just saying his name gives me chills. 

Maria said not to worry about it. She comforted me last night. We cuddled in bed until we both knocked out. Finally! We cuddled!

Maria was keeping my mind off of Eli and things were pretty good. Thanks Maria! Ha ha, this is my journal. Why would I thank her?

May 11

I've been drawing a lot lately. Mostly Kingdom Hearts related. I drew Sora and Kairi kissing. What? A guy can draw people kissing. It came out really good! When I looked at it, it reminded me of Maria and I.

So that's what I drew next. I drew Maria's beautiful Black hair and my bowl haircut the best. The last thing to draw was our lips touching. I spent about an hour drawing it.

I got frustrated to the point where I almost threw it out.

But the last time I drew the lips made the picture so freaking amazing! I think I'll show Maria tomorrow.

May 12

I showed Maria the picture of us kissing and she loved it! She said it was the cutest picture of us. And to be really was.

Maria showed Margaret. Kassem took it from her and showed everyone else. I hate it when Kassem does that kind of shit. It was embarrassing.

But the girls on the other hand loved it as much as Maria did. I love the girls. They all are so sweet. If I was a ladies man, I would probably date them all....if they were single.

But that's all in my head. The only girl I need is my amazing Maria. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. I'd never show my face in this town again.

What ever I don't care. I'll never loose her.

May 14

Today is Sunday and today starts the countdown for Prom. It's on Friday and I couldn't wait. Neither could Maria.

I don't know if she has Prom fever but she's been romantic lately. Every time I see her (in school or not) she kisses me like never before.

I loved it! I have never seen this side of Maria before. It's probably the Prom fever. For sure.

That's all I have to write. I am super busy this week with Prom and two tests. So you won't see me writing in this journal for long. But until I write again...

...Stay curious my friends.

I wouldn't say I'm in love (Youtube fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें