Chapt. 2

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So a month in my first year of high school has already passed by and it feels like forever. Eli has been constantly pissed and I have no idea why. I really hope he didn't see Ian and I almost kiss. I don't want anything bad happening to Ian. I just met him this year.

After all this time I still think about the first day of school where he almost kissed me. I have no idea if he actually liked me or of that was his sign to break up with Eli. But I couldn't break up with him it would be impossible. And...he might hurt me. 

I was too scared to break up with him. One year in this relationship and I'm already a bit scared of my own boyfriend. Anyways that was the least of my worries. One thing is..Anthony started cutting. It makes me sick just thinking about it. I didn't know how to help. I had to ask his friends.

In the English hallway, during lunchtime, there were a bunch of guys sitting a talking. 

There was Ray, Kassem, Shane and Ryan. All but one guy were the age of fifteen. They all knew Anthony some how. Except for Ryan, he was friends with Kassem.

Today was a terrible day to wear my short shirt, cause when they noticed me they whistled and hollered.

"Damn baby. Don't you look good." Kassem said.

"Damn boy, you smell like a piece of shit." I said back. I had to show them their limit.

All the guys but Ryan ooh-ed. Ryan was the shy and quiet one.

"So you're all friends with Anthony Padilla, right?" I had to double check to see if I wasn't talking to the wrong people.

"Yeah." Shane said. 

"Well I noticed that he has been cutting himself lately. What going on with that?" I asked. They were the only people that could answer my questions.

"I have no idea. He doesn't tell us much." Ray said.

I started to get impatient. "Just please tell me."

"He told us not to say anything. So we ain't peeping." Shane said.

At that moment I grabbed his shirt and pushed him against the wall.

"Look. If none of you assholes tell what the fuck is going on with Anthony, there's a chance he could kill himself. No w if you want your friend alive I suggest you fucking speak." I got close to his face.

"Okay, okay. His mom is in the hospital and he has to raise his brothers alone. There's a chance his mom could die. That's all I know I swear." Shane spilt the information like a kid spilling milk.

I let go of him and backed up. "Thanks. You'll thank me later for this."

I walked away and I had a feeling they were staring me down with a "damn what just happened?" expression on each their faces.

After school, I didn't have time to catch Anthony and talk to him. So I had to walk to his house which was surprisingly close to Margaret's house.

It was about seven and his bedroom light was on. I climbed up the house's wall and snuck into his bedroom.

I sat on his bed and waited for him. Little did I know he just got out of his shower. He saw me and  screamed. So did I. I covered my face and he covered himself with a towel.

"I didn't see anything I swear!" I really didn't  see his...pride.

"Maria? What are doing here?" Anthony asked me.

"I wanted to talk to you." I told him the truth. It's not like I wanted that scene to happen.

"Fine. Let me put on some boxers and pants." Anthony said. He walked up to his dresser and put on his boxers and plaid pj pants.

He sat on the bed next to me." You can turn around."

I turned around and saw him half naked. But it wasn't a big deal.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He started off the conversation.

"...your cutting." I said quietly.

" noticed." Anthony suddenly frowned.

"Yeah, Anthony I know about your mom." I told him. I also explained to him how I knew about it and how I got the information.

"Anthony I want you to stop. This is dangerous." I grabbed his hand and looked at the four scars on his arm.

"I can't. It's my only way out." Anthony had a serious look of desperation.

"No it's not. I can help you." I offered to help.

"How? You can't keep my mother from possibly dying. And you keep me from becoming an orphan and never seeing my brothers again. How can you help?"

I looked away from him and reached into my pocket. I handed him a ring (not the girlie kind you're thinking of).

"A ring?" Anthony questioned.

"It's a enchanted ring. Any wish you make will come true. But you must wear the ring when making a wish. Trust me it works." I told him about its magic.

Anthony put on the ring, closed his eyes and made a wish. He opened his eyes once he made the wish.

"Hey, I have to go. Give the ring back when you're done with it." I told him.

I lightly pressed my lips against his and kissed him, not caring about Eli.

Once we stopped kissing I climbed out his window and walked back home. Turns out that kiss was his wish.

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