Chapt. 9

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So tonight was Halloween night. The best part about it's on a Friday! So that means we can stay up all night. Just kidding I couldn't do it if I wanted to.

So I dressed up like Chung Lee from Street fighters. The skirt was a bit small but that didn't bother me. At least there was somethinng under in the skirt so when I bend over the guys don't see me you-know-what. My mum did my make up and it looked nice.

Margaret dressed as Peach, Lisa dressed as Fiona, Shane dressed as Shrek, Lasercorn dressed as Mega Man, Kassem and Ryan dressed as the Mario bros. (Kassem was Mario and Ryan was Luigi although the height was ironic because Kassem was tall)

Kalel and Marzia were sexy bunnies, Ray was a polar bear, Felix was a zombie, Sohinki was a penguin. Anthony was a red crayon and Ian was Link from the Legend of Zelda. 

We were all supposed to meet up at my house and I was waiting for Ian and Anthony. They finally arrived and they arrived together.

"Hey boys!" I waved to them and they seemed stunned at my costume.

"Hey...Chung Lee." Anthony hesitated. Ian didn't say a word. His bright blue eyes just stared at me.

"I'm loving the costume guys. Ian yours is really good!" I complimented them both.

"Uh, yeah my friend Jackie made it for me." Ian said. The costume was amazing. I think everyone's costumes, including mine, were store bought except for Ian's.

"We're just waiting for the sun to go down and then we will get going." I told them. I led them into the house and into the living room where all the other guys were howling at me.

"Knock it off. Why don't you check out Mariza and Kalel." I said. The guys also howled at them.

We hung out at my place and just talked and played a few games. The guys were whispering to themselves and planned something. 

Kassem grabbed paper and crumbled it up like nothing. He threw it and told me to go get it.

"You know Kassem, I'm not your slave." I walked over to the paper and bent down without bending me knees. I can't believe that I fell for that!

All the guys howled loudly and I quickly stood up, turned around and blushed. "Fuck you Kassem!"

"Sure. When and where?" He asked. I walked up to him and kicked him in the balls. What? He deserved it.

"I'll be right back guys...I have to use it." Ian said. He stood up and walked into the bathroom. He closed the door and I heard the sound of the back door opening. I walked around the bathroom and heard painful moaning.

 It sounded like it was coming from the play room my brother and I shared when we were kids. I peaked in and saw Ian sitting in the computer chair moaning in pain. Did he get a.....never mind.

"Ian?" He saw me and turned the chair around. 

"Don't come any closer." He commanded. Yep. He had a you-know-what. Was this outfit so sexy that he grew a....I'm not even gonna bring up the word.

"Hey, I know a good way of getting rid of it," He had the idea of what I was talking about. "Just close your eyes and think of pineapples.

"Pineapples?" He asked. 

"Just do it!" He then closed his eyes and said "pineapples" to himself.

"Hey! It worked," Ian turned the chair around and faced me. "Thanks."

"No problem. My brother used to get them all the time." I told him that pineapples used to be my favorite word when I was a kid. One day my bro got one and I wouldn't stop saying the word and I kept saying it through his bedroom door and he told me it went away.

"That's cool I guess." Ian said.

"Is my skirt that small?" I asked. I had to get a guys point of view on things.

" it's fine." Now Ian was hesitating. I could tell he was lying.

"You hesitated. Do you have something you want to tell me?" Now I was getting curious.

Ian looked around the room not answering my question. I had to give him a test. The test was to see if he would get a "magic stick" when I came romantically close to him.

I walked up to him and sat on his lap with my legs through the arms holes of the chair. I could tell if he was nervous. I rubbed his cheek and gave him a naughty smile.

"Please stop. Or I'll have to start thinking about pineapples again." Ian was struggling I could tell.

"I'm on to you Hecox. Now come and join the party. But come through the bathroom so they suspect a thing."

I hopped off of Ian's lap and helped him up. He walked through the bathroom and I waited and walked back to the party.

It had finally reached night time and we were all ready for some free candy. Not the candy that pedos offer little kids.

About ten o' clock was the time everyone had full bags and were tired of walking. We walked back to my place and we hung out. 

Half of the crew went home and the rest of us were sitting in my living room. It was me, Anthony, Ian, Kalel, Kassem and Margret sitting on the floor. Okay, I guess most of the gang went home.

I changed into my pjs and everyone brought clothes so they changed into that. We were bored so we didn't know what to do.

"How about sexy truth or dare?" Kassem suggested. He was a bit of a perv. Okay he was a HUGE perv.

"Sounds good to me." Anthony agreed. Everyone else agreed so I guess I was in it too.

"So I'll make up the rules 'cause Kassem will go too far." I said. I thought about it and made up my mind. "Okay in sexy truth or dare if you reject the dare you have to take off a piece of clothing. The one in their under clothes first looses." 

Everyone agreed and we began the game. I went first and asked Kassem. He felt ballsy and went with dare.

"I dare eat a mix of vinegar and mayo together." Kassem backed out of the dare and he took off his shirt. He was left with his undershirt, pants, underwear, and socks.

As the game went on we all tried not to loose our clothes. So far everyone was doing good.

"Alright Maria, truth or dare." Anthony said. I thought about it and finally picked dare.

"Um, I dare you to...give me a lap dance." I wasn't sure if Anthony was just messing with me or if he was pulling the "friends with benefits" card.

"I don't know how to give a lap dance." I confessed. Anthony didn't care. He wanted that lap dance bad. I gave in and said no...that meant that I had to take off my shirt.

I stood up and took off my shirt. The guys quietly howled due to the fact that my parents were sleeping upstairs. I quickly looked at Ian who had his eyes closed and was mouthing the word "pineapple". I could tell what he was getting.

We continued the night and by midnight Margaret had lost. Everyone spent the night, since it was getting super late. We all slept in the living room and for some reason I didn't put my shirt back on. I stood up and used my phone for light. I grabbed my shirt and put it on. I also noticed that Ian wasn't in his spot.

I stood up and looked around the whole downstairs. He wasn't in the bathroom and he wasn't in the  old play room. I had to check the office/ the romance room (that's what I called it).

I peaked in and in was sitting in my father's chair and looking into the electric fire place. He was quietly saying "pineapples". What the hell? That was the third time today.

I can't seem to figure out what was up with Ian. But I had to find out soon. This pinapple thing was getting way out of hand.

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