Chapt. 3

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One week before thanksgiving and things with Anthony are getting better. He told me two weeks ago that his mom survived the surgery and shes coming home after the holidays. Anthony had even been in a great mood.

Eli doesn't see me anymore. We're still dating but she doesn't see me around the school when he can. And he's acting weird. I wonder about my Eli sometimes.

So today in school my history class is throwing a contest. The winner with the best project in the class gets a pizza party with their friends. It isn't a great thing but the pizza party gets us out of class.

I've decided to do the project with Ian. He seemed into that. Our projects is going to be about the top things that create a childhood. It seems difficult I know it will be easy.

At lunch I sat next to Margaret, Ian, Anthony, Ryan, Ray, Kassem, Shane and his girlfriend Lisa.

"Hey can me and my girlfriend Marzia sit with you guys?" Felix was an old friend of Anthony's. He sat on mine and Margaret's side of the table where everyone sat on the other side.

"Good we finally have more people on this side." I said.

Just then Kalel, who was friends with Marzia, sat with us. We all talked and laughed and had a good time. Things were alright. Our little group was growing.

"Maria!" Eli called my name and instantly turned around.

"Hey!" I kissed him right when he sat down next to me. 

Eli wasn't the bright part of the conversation. He made fun of anyone who passed by. This went on forever. Margaret gave him the death stare.

"Look babe I have to go. See you whenever?" He kissed my cheek and walked away from us..away from me.

"Yeah whenever." That actually upset me.

"Girl, Get rid of his ass. I can't stand him." Margaret almost threw a fit.

"Is he really that bad?" I kind of asked everyone at the table.

Unfortunately everyone agreed. Including Ian.

"Ugh. I don't know what to do. I can't just wait for him to dump me. And he might hurt me if I dump him." I hid my face in my arms.

"It's gonna be fine, love." Marzia said.

"Yeah, I had a boyfriend like that before. When I broke up with him I hung out my tough guy friends and he left me alone." Kalel was also trying to help me out.

"I don''t have any tough guy friends." When I said that all the guys around me complained.

"Sorry." I gigged.

The bell rang. Next was art class. 

I walked in and there was my best friend waiting for me and ugh, Jenna Morey. She was sitting with her friend Grace. I couldn't stand them.

I sat next to Margaret and started to draw. That always cheered me up.

"Oh he's so cute." Jenna said. I managed to ignore the whore. He he, that rhymed.

"Oh Eli is just amazing. And a great kisser." Now that caught my attention.

"Eli?" I asked.

"Yeah! I love him." She was tricking me and I know it.

"I'm dating a guy named Eli. Are we talking about the same guy?" 

"I dont' know. Does your Eli wear a nice leather jacket? Does he have shaggy but graceful hair? Does he seem goth but he's not?" Jenna was testing me now.

"Yeah." I said. I wasn't sure where this was going.

"Oh, okay!" She seemed happy about it.

"Are you saying that MY boyfriend is cheating on me?"  I still wasn't sure about this.

"Bingo! You won the grand prize!" Jenna said being sarcastic.

"I don't believe you."

"Come Maria. He's cheating. He's been cheating. Ever since the middle off summer." Jenna grew evilly close  and whispered. "That's because I can give him everything you can't". 

I back up and gave myself enough space to slap her right in her cosmetic face. Tears filled my eyes and I ran out the room. The teacher didn't care.


Eli skipped class once again and was roaming the halls. He noticed I was sitting down, crying up against the locker.

He ran up to me and knealed next to me.

"Babe! What's wrong? Who hurt you?" He acted concerned.

"You did. You cheated on me." I told him off. I also mentioned that Jenna told me that he was cheating me with that whore.

"I did not cheat on you. Why would I do something like that? Jenna is just messing with you." He said. And with that, I was convinced he wasn't cheating. 

Jenna is a bitch. That was that only word that basically described her. But I still have the gut feeling he was cheating.

I went the whole day without crying. It was a bad thing to hold in my tears but I manage to do it. Once the final bell rang and went quickly to my locker and grabbed my bag.

I walked outside where I was supposed to wait for my mum to pick me up. I looked around and saw Ian with Ray, Ryan, Anthony, Kalel, Felix, Marzia, Margaret, Kassem, Shane and Lisa.

Ian saw me and his face lit up in a happy way. He waved at me and everyone around him noticed. I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I could. That's when I let out all my tears.

Everyone noticed I was crying and surrounded Ian and I, being concerned.

I wouldn't say I'm in love (Youtube fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now