Chapt. 1

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My heart pounds. My stomach twists. It's my very first year of high school and I'm scared out of my mind. The upper class-men will pick on me and turn me into a football of something.

This is going to be terrible. Everyone is going to hate me. But I shouldn't worry. I have Margaret and my boyfriend Eli. Hey, I might even make new friends!

My mom kicks me out of the car. I guess it's time for school. I nervously walked into Yonder-Tale high school and saw a pool of high school kids.

I went straight to the office and was handed my schedule, classes and locker number and combination. 

I went to my locker and opened it to put in my jacket and school supplies for my classes. When I went to look in my bag, my locker slammed shut. I screamed a bit and notice my boyfriend Eli standing next to me.

"Hey babe." Eli said eagerly. He spun me around and kissed me passionately as usual.

"Hey freshmen! Get a room." Said Jenna. Jenna Morey was the most popular freshmen in our high school. She wasn't nervous to say or do anything.

"Yeah, fuck you!" Eli screamed.

"Babe! Don't talk to her, she'll leave us alone." I tried NOT to get my ass kicked on the first day.

"Really Maria? That's how you see things? This is why you get picked on in school. You don't tell people where there limits are." Eli said. He let go of me and walked away.

As Eli walked away from me, Margaret walked closer to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey, Eli is walking away from you. Is everything okay?" She was always there for me when I had relationship problems.

"Yeah, he just had to go to his locker." I lied. I didn't want to tell her that Eli thinks I'm a weak-ass bitch.

"Alright then. Well let me see your classes. I wanna see if we has classes together." Margaret took my papers and looked through them all.

"Alright, so no homeroom, Math, or history. But we do have gym, art, science,  and English together." She was excited to see that.

"Awesome, so we have science class first. I'll see you then." I gave her another hug and walked into homeroom.


"Welcome to your first year in high school!" The homeroom teacher said.

The class moaned and she continued to talk.

"Now if you have any questions about your schedules just ask. Now I'm going to take attendance." 

The teacher started calling names like any typical teacher would on the first day of school.

"Jenna Morey?" She says. Jenna raised her hand, rolled her eyes and continued to talk.

The teacher called another name and then called a name that caught my attention.

"Anthony..Padilla (pa-dill-a)?" She thought she pronounced his last name right but he corrected her.

"Padilla (Pa-dee-a)" He said. I turned around and looked at him.

"Sorry." The teacher said.

I looked at him and he looked back at me then looked down. He was sitting by himself with no one around him.

I stood up and walked up to him and sat down.

"Hey. Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked him. He shook his head no.

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