Chapt. 17

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So today marks mine and Lisa's two year anniversary! I can't believe it. Two years have passed and they have been the best two years of my life! So I threw a little party and invited half of the gang. And when I say half I mean half couldn't make it.

I set up the table and saved reserved seats for Lisa and I. My dog unicorn would be in the way of everything so I put her in my room. Lisa was the first to arrive so I gave her my gift before everyone arrived.

So Ian, Anthony, Maria and Margaret showed up together. Next came the "three musketeers" Joven, Sohinki, and Lasercorn arriving together. Ray and Anna tagged along a few minutes after the trio.

Kalel, Marzia and Felix were that last of out guests and the party began. It was more of a party then it was a dinner, but that didn't matter.


I love the party Shane threw for us! It's really fun! First we played Fruit Ninja on the Kinect. Next was Just dance 4. We switched to the play station and played Mortal Kombact 9! Ew, the game is really gross. I don't know how Maria and Kalel can take it. 

Anways we had a buffet for dinner and Shane made a toast. 

"So, I have been together with Lisa for two years and it had been amazing. I really do love her. I don't know what I would do without her." Everyone drank their sparkling cider and we continued to play the PS3.


Wow I didn't know I could pwn some noobs in Call of duty. I was playing online by myself and all the guys were cheering me on. They were pretty impressed by my killing skills. I guess my brother's lessons finally paid off.

I was pretty good with Mortal Kombact 9. I kept destroying Ian and Anthony with it. That was a shock because they have been playing that series for a while.

As the night went on, we played more games and then sat down for a while. We eventually sat down and talked.


The games we played wore us out. We were sitting on the carpet floor leaning against the tree couches, talking.

Maria sat next to me and laid her head on my boney shoulder, but I guess she didn't mind. The conversation was pointless. I wasn't really caring, I had Maria leaning on me.

Maria sat up and walked to the bathroom. Once it was safe the girls were all over me. (Not the pimp way ha ha)

"Oh my Ian! Maria is all over you tonight!" Marzia said. She seemed pretty positive.

"A-are you sure?" I asked. Mariza Kalel and Margaret knew her better than me.

"Yes! She's in the 'I like him but I'm not positive' phase." Margaret said.

"So..she likes me?" If one of the girls said yes then I would ask her out A.S.A.P.

"Well like Margaret said,  'I like him but I'm not positive' phase. So we don't know. Don't get your hopes too high." Anna budded in. Everyone but Maria was in this discussion.

Maria walked right back into the room and we talked more nonsense. Maybe she liked me. Maybe not. I can't assume because that would be stupid. I think I'll keep this a secret for a little bit longer.

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