Chapt. 6

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So today is the last day of school and the gang and I decided to play spin the bottle in the corner of the library. There was me, Anthony, Margaret, Felix, Mariza, Shane, Lisa, Ray and Kalel in a circle.

Ray had snuck an empty beer bottle into the school. It was his father's and he found it in the recylce bin this morning.

Shane was the first one to spin. He spun the bottle and it landed on Kalel. They lightly kissed and Kalel was next to spin. The bottle slowed down and landed on Ray know how the game goes.

Later on we just hung out in the library with Kassem and Ryan who invited themselves in the group.

We talked about stupid stuff and told funny jokes. Things were amazing I really did love my freshman year of high school.

I noticed that Ian and Lasercorn walked into the library and sat in front of a computer. I knew that I had to  fix this.

"I'll be back guys." I stood up walked up to Ian.

"Ian.." I taped his shoulder. He didn't move. I guess he already knew who it was.

"Hey Ian, that hot girl wants to talk to you." Lasercorn definitely knows a hot girl when he sees one.

"Thanks lasercorn," I thanked for the some-what compliment.

"How do you know my nickname?" He asked, he seemed so innocent.

"It some how got around." I winked at him and sat next to Ian.

"Ian. Look I know that your mad at Anthony and I but I need to know why." I pleaded him.

"I'm not talking to either one of you." I already knew this was going to be a tough conversation.

"Ian. I need to know what's going on. There has to be a reason why you're mad." I knew that I wasn't going to get information from him but I wasn't going down easy. (ew that sounded a bit wrong but you know what I mean)

Ian wasn't saying a word. David has no idea what is going on but somehow...he was in it as much as Ian was. Not in the "I'm not talking to you" way but just in it in another way.

"Fine. Don't tell me. But just know this. You can't ignore your other friends just because we're hanging out with them," I said.

Don't exclude yourself from the rest." I stood up and sat back down with Anthony and all of our other friends.

I looked back at Ian and frowned. I really want to know what his problem was so I can fix it.


The bell rang and the entire school was empty within five minutes. I for one, was at my locker. At the corner of my eye I could see Eli and Jenna making out as usual.

They only did it so I can suffer. But I'm not suffering cause little did they know I have my own boyfriend.

"Hey Maria!" Anthony called me from down the hall. Once he had reached me he kissed me on the cheek.

"You ready to go? My mom had KFC waiting for us." Anthony was happy for that.

"Yeah, I have my jacket right here." Knowing the fact that Eli and Jenna were right there made me wanted to show them that I wasn't kissing up to them.

I did something that Eli, Jenna, and even Anthony were not expecting. I roughly pushed Anthony against the locker and kissed him. Being the good boyfriend that he is, he kissed me back.

Although I had my eyes closed I could tell that Jenna and especially Eli were watching us. I put Anthony's hands on my waist and stopped kissing him. I think Eli and Jenna had a good show.

I closed my locker and walked away with Anthony's arm around my neck. I turned my head and saw the disgusting couple looking at us. To end their little show I put on for them, I flipped them off and continued to walk away from them.

That definitely made the end of my freshman year.

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