Chapt. 25

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By now the year is almost over. Two more months until school is over for me and I'll never see the gang again. This blows. I'm gonna miss them all. Okay it's not like I wont see Ian, Margaret or Anthony again. Its everyone else. Kalel, Marzia, Felix, Shane, Lisa, Ray, Anna, Jovenshire, Lasercorn, Sohinki, Ryan, and Kassem. I love them all. I don't want to leave them.

Anyways, the gang and I are planning our April (spring) Vacation. Some were thinking Six flags, Kalel had the idea of driving to L.A. to head to the beach. But I'd rather not.

Six flags sounded like a good idea. Plus there is a water park there. I (and a few others) convinced everyone (who didn't want to go to Six flags) to come with us (the ones wanting to go). Once they said yes we immediately planned what we were doing.

After all our classes, we hung out outside and talked. Kassem's eyes were red and I couldn't understand why. Why wasn't he with Margaret? Where is Margaret anyways? I walked up to Kassem where he turned away.

"Kassem? Why are your eyes red?" I asked. He didn't want to look at me. I walked around him so I could see his face. His eyes were red and teary. He had a upset face expression.

"No reason. Allergies." He answered. That was pure BS.

"Bullshit. Are you...crying?" I whispered so no one could hear us. He nodded, something must of happened between him and Margaret.

"What happened?" He told me the whole story. It was shocking and unbelievable.

Kassem was in the halls and Jenna had walked to him and started talking. The talking lead to flirting, he tried to get out of the conversation but nothing was working. Then as he was about to walk away she kissed him. She pushed herself against the lockers and pulled him in to make it look like he wanted her.

Margaret saw him kissing her and she broke up with him. And that's what happened. He tried many times to try to get her back but she won't listen to him.

"Okay. But that doesn't explain the red eyes?" I said. He told me that smoking pot was his only stress reliever.

"Kassem. You're too young to be smoking pot. Do you know what it does to you?" I asked, Kassem had to get  out of this right now.

"I'm not a complete pot head. It's only for when I'm stressed. And I'm not stressed all the time. Just these past few weeks. Please don't tell anyone." He said. I promised to keep the secret.

"I'll also help you get Margaret back. But I need you in it." I said. A plan hatched inside my head. I grew close so he could hear my plan.

"So what is this plan you have?" He asked. I looked around to make sure no one was too close to hear,

"So what you are going to do is stand at your locker, if you see Jenna which you should you're gonna call her to come to you. That's when i'll turn on the camera," I said.

"You'll talk to her and get upset because she is the reason you and Margaret broke up. She'll some how get seductive and make out with you. Once she walks away, I'll turn off the camera and we'll show Margaret." Kassem agreed to the plan. Right away we started.

I walked into the library with the camera and sat next to Margaret. She turned to me and smiled. I put the camera in front of her and took a deep breath.

"You broke up with Kassem. Why?" She looked away from me and pulled out a picture of her and Kassem and almost cried.

"He...cheated on me." She wiped her eyes before the tears ran down her cheeks. She put the picture away and looked at me.

"No he didn't. Jenna kissed him. She was the one who started it." Margaret rolled her eyes and started to get mad.

"Yeah right, you're probably on his side." She didn't believe me. I knew it would come to this. I turned on the camera and showed her the footage of Jenna kissing Kassem.

Now Margaret began to cry. She stood up and ran out of the library. Probably to go find Kassem. I grabbed the camera and quickly followed her.

We were both outside and looking for Kassem. I guess Margaret found him cause she ran away from me.

She ran up to Kassem and kissed him. After the kiss she hugged him and whispered "I'm so sorry" in his ear. The group saw them hug and cheered them on. They were back together.

Kassem and Margaret now, Massem FORVER!


Ian had spent the night. We were both chilling in my bedroom. I had already changed into my pjs and Ian was changing into his.

"You're a great person, you know that?" Ian said. He changed from his jeans to his pajama pants. I looked at him with a confused look on my face. Then I smiled.

"Why? Cause I got Kassem and Margaret back together?" I asked. He nodded his head and he took off his shirt.

"Babe, have you been working out?" I noticed that Ian had and eight pack. If I remember correctly, Ian never had and eight pack when we first met. He came over my house to swim in the pool and his stomach did not have an eight pack.

"Oh, yeah. Did you know the school has a weight room?" I smiled at him and he fixed his necklace. The next thing he knew, I was close to him with a naughty grin on my face.

I kissed him lightly and he held me close. I tugged on his necklace and we both fell on the bed. We began to make out when my brother slammed both of his fists on my bedroom door, scaring us both.

He opened the door fast, finding Ian laying on top of me. Ian's face had turned red.

"What the fuck?" My brother said.

"That's exactly what your girlfriends say when they see your dick." I laughed afterwards. He mimicked my words with and annoying pitched voice. He frowned and looked at me.

"What the hell do you want, Jason?" I asked. It was quiet for a bit until my brother said something.

"Well you guys were talking loud and then it was quiet. I was curious on what you two were doing." I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

I stood up and pushed him out of my room and closed the door. I turned around and saw Ian climbing into my bed.

"Going to bed already?" I asked. He pulled the comforter over himself and signalled me to hop in the bed. I did what I was told and climbed into bed and cuddled with Ian.

 "Like I said. You're the greatest person I know." Ian said as he wrapped his arm around me.

 "Good night Ian. Love you." I said. I yawned and closed my eyes.

"Good night. Love you too." Ian's voice was kind of faded. We slowly fell asleep together.

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