Chapt. 20

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It's official! Ian and Maria are finally dating! Kalel predicted it. Secretly, the rest of us made a bet if Ian and Maria would date. Half of the crew said no and Kalel said yes. Since Kalel was right...we all owe her five dollars. Damn it.

So it's summer vacation and the gang are going to throw Toby a going away party. He's moving to Chicago. Aw! I'll miss him. I think we all will. 

So to celebrate the party we drove to the summer carnival in the city's park. The park is huge so it won't be too bad.

Felix and I will be car pooling with Kalel and Ricky. Ian, Maria, Anthony and Margaret will be car pooling and I'm not sure about the rest. Kassem is sick and Ryan didn't want to go. I have my camera to capture the moment.


So I finally grew some balls to tell Maria how I feel. But I didn't tell her first. She told me how she felt. Damn it! Maria and the rest doesn't know this but that day at prom when she found me on the side of the road, I was about to  kill myself. I was so heart broken about Eli kissing Maria. But I didn't have the guts to do it. That's why I was standing outside in the rain. Back to the good side now.

Maria and I have been dating for almost two months and they were the best two months of my life. I have never been so deeply in love. The situation with Kassem's joking faded and when the guys heard the news they cheered for me.

Maria is so romantic though. Eli was lucky to have her and he threw the opportunity away. He's such a douche.

Anyways, Anthony is now the one to bug me. He's constantly doing the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song. God it's so annoying! But he's my best friend. What can I do?


So prom was amazing and Ian and I are official. Actually we have been official for almost two months. I wish he had asked me out sooner. So here was the deal with Eli:

Once we had arrived back at prom, the sky had cleared and the rain stopped. The police men and an ambulance were there scoping the situation.

The paramedics took Eli into the ambulance and straight to the hospital for medical care. The policemen wanted to ask Ian and I some questions.

"Miss, can you please tell us what happened." The officer said.

"Well everyone was having a fun time at prom. I walked into the lobby to use the bathroom and Eli, my ex boyfriend, was threatening to hurt me," I didn't want to mention that he tried to get me back and roughly made out with me. So I told a white lie.

"Then my friend Ian came to help and Eli began to fight him. The fight lead outside and Eli pulled out a knife to try to kill Ian. I had no choice but to grab to knife out of his hand and stab him to save my friend. It was for self defense. Ian could have died."

The man wrote it all down and thanked me for my cooperation, then walked away. So after that situation, Eli was taken care of and was sent to juvey right after his medical care. That'll show him.

Back to present day. So Ian, Anthony, Shane, Lisa, Ray, Anna, the Three Musketeers,  Margaret and I all went to the Carnival to celebrate Toby's going away party.

I threw on my milkshake shirt, black shorts and white flats. Ian picked me up (along with Anthony, and Margaret) and we met Shane, Lisa, Ray, Anna, Kalel and the Three Musketeers at the carnival.

Toby was brought by Felix and Marzia and we gave him a surprise. 

We all went on the roller coasters, the bumper cars and the scary maze and had a great time. By the end of the day everyone paired in twos went on the Ferris wheel.

Here's how it all went down:

Me and Ian (of course!)

Felix and Marzia

Shane and Lisa

Ray and Anna

Toby and Margaret

Anthony and Sohinky

Jovenshire and Lasercorn

Kalel and Ricky

Ian and I shared cotton candy while watching the sunset on the ferris wheel. It was fun and romantic at the same time.

"Hey so do you want to sleep over my place and play video games? I have Zelda." Ian definitely knew how to take a girl out (Well specificly me).

"Ocaraina of time, Skyward sword or Twighlight princess?" I asked, those were my favorite Zelda games.

"Uh, Skyward Sword and Twighlight princess." Ian ripped some cotton candy and ate it. I smiled and thought about it. Obviously the answer was yes!

"Yeah sure, I'd love to. But we have to drop by my house so I can grab what I need." I said, eating cotton candy.

"Ow!" Ian reached into his pocket and pulled out something that poked him. It was the condom my mom gave him on valentines day a while back. He looked at me and laughed. "Hey, lets see how far I can chuck it." He focused, threw his arm back, and tossed the condom across the carnaval. We laughed and looked at each other.

"I really do love you Maria." Ian admitted. Ian was just too adorable.

"I love you too. And always will." I finished my sentence and he kissed me as fire works finished off the day's sunset. 

Ian Andrew Hecox....I firetrucking LOVE you!

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