I Must Confess

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This is an AU thing where there is no Upside-down and El goes by Jane in this also Mike and Will don't know each other beforehand
It's based off the song Stacy's Brother by Mad Tsai
Still takes place in the 80s

3th POV || October 25th, 1988

Mike was walking down the hallway with Jane beside him with her arm around his
Jane was popular to a point but not overly honestly just more so than him
Mike wasn't at all.. he still got called a nerd or dork or some gay slur regularly but he wasn't being pushed around since he started hanging out with Jane probably due to what Lucas called "popular.. by association"

"Wanna come over to work on homework with me?" Jane asked pushing her hair back behind her shoulder

"Sure." Mike simply stated pulling his backpack up feeling it start to fall due to how old it was (he's had it since he was like, nine or ten)

They walked out together Jane's flannel being too big on her making it flow lower than a shirt that actually fit her would

As they walked up to the truck Mike saw who he assumed was Jane's brother that he had heard of due to Will being on track and semi popular like his sister maybe more so by a bit
And Mike understood why he would hear girls talk about him, Will was quite pretty

"Hey Jane! Who's your friend?"

"I'm Mike Wheeler." Mike introduced himself putting his hand out
Will chuckled slightly shaking his hand

"We're working on homework." Jane said getting into the passenger seat Will nodded going to the other side while Mike followed

"You're getting banished to the back seat." Will joked opening the door for Mike

"Thanks." Mike said with a soft smile getting in Will nodded shutting the door and getting into the driver's seat just in front of Mike's spot

"So, what subject are you guys working on?"

"Just homework over all, he's good at Physics and English whereas I'm good at math." Jane said Will nodded while Mike just listened trying to watch Will in the mirror

"So you like science huh?"

"Um yeah, I'm decent at it." Mike said finally adding to the conversation as he pulled his hair down out of its tied back ponytail prison

Once they got there Jane dragged Mike up the stairs to her bedroom to start their work
Will went to his own room to start on his homework while

"Um.. nice room." Mike said looking at the mainly pink and white room that was so bright he could already feel a headache coming on

"Thanks!" Jane said sitting on the end of her white bed spread pulling her science book onto his lap
Mike sat beside her with his arms on his lap one hand up to chin resting his head in it as he looked over the page with her

Jane wasn't paying all that close of attention while Mike was reading it closely just praying he wouldn't have to talk to her without the comfort of other people around to carry the conversation
Anytime they talked alone together Mike just couldn't keep it going
Jane always tried to flirt with him even though Mike never did so back

"Can you hand me your math book? I left mine at school." Jane said Mike nodded shrugging his backpack off only to hear a loud rip sound

"Damn it! The piece of shit ripped." Mike said now holding the limp strap in his hand and letting it fall to grab the book as if to not let his bag die in vain

"You can go ask Will for some fabric glue, it should last until you get home then. His room is across the hall." Jane said taking the book unfazed by his cussing

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