Chapter Thirty

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JJ rolled over in bed and found herself in Emily's arms. She felt the sun beating down on her and she didn't want to open her eyes.

When she had woken up a bit more and realized what day it was, she quickly sat up. Emily was already awake and laughed softly.

"We're getting married today," JJ said, her whole face lighting up. "Yes, we are," Emily nodded, kissing her lips. "Exciting, huh?"

"Stressful. It's stressful," JJ said, twirling a strand of hair in her fingers. Emily was well accustomed to her nervous habits.

"Try and relax. This day is supposed to be happy. Do you think you can manage that?" Emily asked, pulling JJ into her lap.

JJ put her head on Emily's chest and shut her eyes again. When she was with Emily she could relax. No matter what was going on, Emily could make her feel safe in an instant.

Emily could feel JJ's heart going a mile a minute. "Jen, I'm serious. You need to calm down before you give yourself a heart attack. Are you really that nervous?"

"It's not just the wedding. It's all of it. Everything is changing. Luna just turned one. She's not a baby anymore. We're getting married. After this, we both go back to work. We're leaving Luna with a babysitter. It's never going to be the same again," JJ said, breathing in the way Emily smelled.

"You're right, our lives are never going to be exactly the same. That's not a bad thing. Change can be good. Luna is going to be our baby as long as she lives, no matter how old she gets. We're getting married, but that doesn't mean we're going to change. I'm still going to love you exactly how I love you now. That is something that will never ever change," Emily told her.

"I just feel like everything is moving so fast. It seems like yesterday she was a newborn baby and was quite literally the size of a teddy bear. Now she's basically an adult," JJ sighed.

"We've got 17 more long years until she's an adult. She's only one. We have time," Emily assured her. "I want you to have fun today. This is our wedding day. It's about you and me. You should enjoy it."

"I am going to enjoy it. I can be stressed and enjoy things at the same time." JJ crossed her arms. "Try to enjoy it and not be stressed," Emily corrected herself.

"I can try," JJ agreed. "That's all I'm asking. Just to try," Emily said, kissing her forehead. She took a deep breath and looked at JJ for a few moments. "I can't believe I get to marry you," she smiled.

JJ smiled too and kissed Emily's lips. "We should get up," she said, pulling the covers off of them. She climbed out of bed and so did Emily.

"By tonight, we're going to be officially married," Emily said, swaying JJ gently in her arms.


"You're getting married in five hours. Shouldn't you be doing, I don't know, wedding stuff?" Derek asked, sitting on the couch in Emily's dressing room. They were already at the venue and everything had been set up the night before.

"Five hours is a lot of hours." Emily shrugged. She was sitting on a rug in the middle of the room playing patty cake with Luna.

The door opened and Penelope walked into the room. "Emily!" she exclaimed. "Your hair and makeup aren't done!"

"The wedding is in five hours." Emily rolled her eyes. "Playing patty cake with you is much more fun, isn't it?" she smiled, scooping Luna into her arms.

"Cake!" Luna squealed, reaching up toward Emily's face. Emily laid on her back and hoisted Luna up in the air. "She's excited to try cake for the first time in her life. Can you imagine that? The first time you've ever eaten cake," Emily mindlessly talked while she bounced Luna.

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