Chapter Nineteen

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JJ had been off bedrest for about a week now. She had finally returned to work. She was thrilled because she hated being home all day and doing nothing. She hated it even more when Emily wasn't there with her.

"Why can't you come with us?" JJ complained, crawling back into bed next to Emily. She had already gotten up and ready for the day, but Emily had not. "You and Penelope will have fun together. I've got some work I need to finish up. You can show me everything you got the second you get home," Emily smiled and kissed her.

JJ was going shopping with Penelope for things for the baby. When Penelope found out that the only thing in their nursery was a crib and JJ was already 24 weeks along, she was a bit concerned.

"Em?" JJ looked up at her, her face perplexed. "What's wrong?" Emily asked her. "Has Penelope said anything about the fact that we're dating to you?"

Emily thought about it for a moment. "No. Has she talked to you about it?" JJ shook her head no. She was sure that the guys must have told her after the case. They had seen Emily and JJ kiss, they knew about everything.

The first week Emily went back while JJ was gone, no one asked about it. After the whole scare with the baby and everything, nobody wanted to bring it up. Eventually, Derek mentioned it and Emily told them the truth, not that it was news to them. She had always just assumed Penelope knew.

"Do you think she's mad at me?" JJ asked softly. "What would she be mad at you? She wanted to go out with you today, she obviously still wants to spend time with you." Emily tucked a piece of hair behind JJ's ear.

"I don't know, I just assumed when we finally did tell her she'd be happy. I thought she'd say something. I'm surprised she hasn't even mentioned it," JJ sighed.

"You'll see her in a couple of minutes. Why don't you just talk to her? The simplest solution is usually the best. Ask her if she has a problem with this and she'll tell you," Emily said.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. I'll talk to her," JJ said. She leaned up and kissed Emily's lips again.

A set of knocks on the door made them both get up. Penelope was here. Emily walked JJ to the door and opened it.

Penelope was standing outside with her usual colorful outfit and a large purse. "Are you ready? We've got a lot to do!" she grinned, clapping her hands together.

"Ready," JJ laughed, grabbing her bag. Emily pulled JJ close and kissed her lips. "Have fun. I'll see you later," she said. When she pulled away she heard Penelope's purse drop to the ground.

"Did you guys just kiss?!" she nearly shouted.

"You didn't know?" JJ asked, a puzzled look on her face. "I think we've solved our mystery, Jayje," Emily chuckled.

"I don't know, did you ever tell me?! Who else knows? Why don't I know? Are you two a couple?!" she exclaimed.

"Everyone found out a couple of weeks ago. We assumed Derek or Spencer told you. I was wondering why you never mentioned it," JJ told her.

Penelope was trying to calm her excitement. "Nobody told me anything. I bet they assumed I already knew because you're supposed to tell me everything!" she said. "But it's true? You guys are a couple?"

"Yeah. We started dating a little while after we caught Will. I'd always planned on telling you, we just wanted to wait a bit. I wanted to work it out between us before everyone found out," JJ explained.

"Alright, I guess I can forgive you this time. But I still wish you had told me, we're best friends!" She playfully rolled her eyes. JJ laughed, "I'm glad I can be forgiven, I've done some serious crime right here."

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