Chapter Twenty

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"Why can't I go with you? What if something happens?" JJ clung to Emily's waist as she tried to pack her stuff. "That's the exact reason why you can't come with me. If something does happen, you need to be far away from it," Emily said. She pressed a kiss to JJ's head and stuffed some more clothes into her bag.

She couldn't move very much with the way JJ was holding onto her. "It should only be a couple of days. You'll be fine here," she said. "I hate it when you leave," JJ mumbled, her face pressed into Emily's shoulder.

Emily gave up on packing for the moment. She scooped JJ up in her arms and laid down in bed. JJ was still hugging her tightly. "I know. I'll miss you. I always do." Emily's hand reached under JJ's t-shirt and rubbed her back. "It's just a couple of days," she repeated.

The one good thing about their job was that even though they traveled so much, they were always traveling together. They were practically together all day every day.

JJ's lip started to tremble and Emily noticed tears streaking down her face. "Why are you crying?" Emily asked softly, wiping under JJ's eye with her thumb. She had gotten used to JJ crying over minuscule things ever since she'd gotten pregnant.

"You're leaving me," she sniffled. "I'm not leaving you. I'm going to Colorado and then I'm coming back. JJ, you're not even going to notice that I was gone," Emily said.

"What if you don't want to come back? What if you want to stay there forever?" JJ twirled a strand of her hair between her fingers.

That was the most ridiculous thing Emily had ever heard. "Why on Earth would I not want to come back? I have the team here, the baby, and most importantly you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I would be a complete idiot to lose you."

"What if something bad happens to you?" JJ said, her hands moving to hold onto Emily's shirt. "I'm going to investigate an anonymous child abuse report. Someone called 911. It's a church in the middle of nowhere and I'm just interviewing some kids. Nothing is going to happen to me," Emily assured her. "Now, can I please finish packing?"

JJ reluctantly let go of her. Emily kissed her tear-stained cheeks before getting up. She grabbed a few more t-shirts and zipped up the bag.

"I love you. I'll see you soon, sweetheart." Emily hugged JJ tight and kissed her lips. She knelt down to JJ's stomach level and pressed a kiss to her belly. "I love you too, my little one. Be good for your mom, okay?"

"I love you, Emily. I'll see you later," JJ whispered. She knew she was overreacting but she hated being alone when Emily was gone.

Emily's hand rested on JJ's belly and she pressed one last kiss to her forehead. "My babies. I'll miss you so much."


JJ stared at the news on the tv in the middle of the BAU. The news reporter was standing behind a church. JJ felt her stomach turn inside out.

"What was reportedly being called a routine questions and answers meeting by Colorado child services has turned into a violent deadly standoff between Colorado authorities and a fringe religious group known as the Septarian Sect."

"JJ, that's not the ranch where Prentiss and Reid are-" Derek began to ask but she cut him off. "They're still inside," she said.

"Hotch!" Morgan yelled, making Hotch and Rossi both come out of their offices looking confused. "The tv. Prentiss and Reid," he told them.

JJ watched the news report anxiously with one hand rubbing over her stomach. Everyone stared at the tv until the phones started ringing everywhere.

"It is still believed that 3 of the child services members are still trapped in the compound. At least one of the police officers has died."

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