Chapter Five

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"Woah, you don't look too great," Emily laughed, standing in the doorway of the bathroom. It was about 6:30 am and she had just gotten out of bed. JJ was hunched over the toilet, her body shaking.

"Shut up!" She groaned. She'd been sitting on the floor for nearly twenty minutes and she felt like she was dying. Somehow, she hadn't thrown up yet.

"Morning sickness?" Emily knelt down next to her, pulling her hair back out of her face. "More like lack of," JJ scoffed.

At this point she wished she could just throw up and get it over with. "Maybe it'll stop when you're out of the first trimester," Emily said, rubbing her back. She grabbed JJ's toothbrush off the counter.

"It better," JJ mumbled under her breath. "Shh, it'll be okay," Emily soothed. She took the toothbrush to the front of JJ's face, and before she could react, shoved it down her throat.

She quickly pulled it out and watched JJ vomit into the toilet. After a few seconds JJ looked up, eyes watering from gagging. "What the fuck did you do that for?!" She shouted at her.

Emily laughed softly, still rubbing her back in a comforting way. "Do you feel better?" She asked. JJ thought about it for the first time. "Yeah, actually. A lot better," she said. "You could've at least told me before though."

"The element of surprise makes it work better. Quick and painless," Emily told her. She pressed a kiss to her head. "Forgive me?"

"I'm only forgiving you because it worked," JJ said, leaning into Emily's warm body. "Being pregnant sucks."

"You won't feel that way when this baby comes out of you. It'll all be worth it then," said Emily. JJ found the strength to pull herself up using the counter. "We better start getting ready or we'll be late for work," she said.

It was Monday morning and they most likely had a case. JJ now flew out with the team, but she still didn't go into the field. Her wrist was healed and the brace was gone, but the bruising on her back was still painful at times.

It had been nearly 4 weeks since she got out of the hospital. She'd used her injuries as an excuse to not go into the field for so long because she didn't want to tell anyone about the baby just yet.

Emily and JJ quickly got ready for the day and grabbed their bags. Emily made a pot of regular coffee and poured it into her travel cup. She also made decaf and poured it into JJ's. JJ had hoped that drinking it would at least give her brain some sort of placebo effect.

"You're almost at 12 weeks, you know," Emily said, opening the front door for her. They both left the apartment and started walking down to the garage.

"Yeah?" JJ nodded. It was just a couple more weeks until she was out of the first trimester. "Does that mean you're going to tell the team?" Emily asked.

JJ thought for a moment before speaking. She hadn't wanted to tell the team until at least 12 weeks in case something happened.

"I will. When I'm 12 weeks," JJ said, trying to sound as casual as possible. Emily frowned and stopped walking. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong!" JJ said defensively. She tried to keep walking but Emily grabbed her arm and stopped her. "We're going to be late for work," JJ insisted.

"No we're not, we're 10 minutes early," Emily called her bluff. "Why are scared to tell the team?"

"I'm not," JJ argued, but there was really no use. Emily heard it in her voice and she could easily tell when JJ was lying.

"Why?" Emily repeated. "I just- I wish it wasn't his baby. Or that everyone didn't know it was his," JJ finally admitted.

"You think the team's going to care that this baby is related to Will? This is your baby. As long as you love them, I'm sure everyone else will too," Emily told her.

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