Chapter Fifteen

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"So? What is it?" Penelope asked excitedly the second JJ and Emily walked into the bullpen.

"Woah, want to let them breathe?" Derek laughed, walking over to them. "What are you so curious about anyways?"

"JJ found out if the baby was a boy or a girl on Saturday. And then she wouldn't tell me. Even though Emily found out first which seems unfair to me," said Penelope. She rolled her eyes and Emily laughed.

"I wanted to tell everyone in person. Not unfair," JJ replied, completely ignoring the comment about Emily.

"Briefing room, now." Everyone turned their heads to see Hotch calling them as he came out from his office. The whole team started to make their way to the room and sat down at the round table.

"JJ, if you wait one more second I'm going to strangle you," Penelope said, starting up the projector.

"You can't do that. She's pregnant," Derek swatted her hand. "Why are we threatening to strangle JJ?" Rossi asked.

"Because JJ needs to tell us if the baby's a boy or a girl!" Penelope exclaimed. "You found out?" Hotch asked, turning to look at her. JJ nodded her head, suddenly feeling nervous again. It was strange, the way this feeling would come. She had absolutely nothing to be nervous about, yet she still was.

"I agree with Garcia, tell us!" Spencer said, clapping his hands together. Emily could tell how JJ was feeling by the look on her face.

She put her hand on JJ's knee under the table and tried to calm her down. JJ's hands were shaking but she finally just blurted it out. "It's a girl!"

Everyone clapped and got up to hug her. The whole thing was kind of a blur to JJ, she felt so relieved once she'd gotten it over with. She let everyone hug her and cheer, but she was just kind of still the entire time.

Eventually, everything settled down so Hotch and Penelope started to brief the case. Emily's eye was on JJ the whole time. Something was off with her but she couldn't tell what it was.

When the briefing was over they had 30 minutes until the jet took off. JJ excused herself to the bathroom and after waiting a couple of minutes, Emily followed her.

When she walked into the bathroom she saw JJ standing over the sink and staring at herself in the mirror.

"What's going on?" she asked, stepping towards her. "Mm?" JJ looked over when she noticed Emily was in there and tried to act as normal as possible.

"Nothing's going on. I just wanted to fix my makeup," JJ said, grabbing some lipstick out of her purse and reapplying it.

"Don't start with that. Tell me what's wrong," Emily said. She wrapped her arms around JJ's waist and turned her head away from the mirror. "You were nervous in there. Why?"

"I don't know why," she said softly. "I just get nervous sometimes and I don't know why it happens."

Emily nodded, tilting JJ's face up and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I know. I get it. Just remember that I'm always here when you want to talk about it."

"There's nothing to talk about. I have no idea why it happens. I'm fine and then it's there," JJ whispered.

"Well, if can can't talk about it then I'm here for whatever you need," Emily told her, kissing her lips gently. "Can I have a hug?" JJ asked.

Emily smiled, pulling her closer. "Always."


"Em?" JJ wandered into the small room in the police station. They were in Arizona for their latest case, three women were found dead and stuffed in dumpsters. The table was cluttered with files and papers that Emily was looking over.

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