Chapter Eight

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

The exam room's door cracked open and Dr. Montgomery stepped inside. "Good to see you again, Jennifer," she said with a bright smile.

"You too," JJ replied, playing with her hands. She was still nervous and it was obvious.

"So how are we feeling today?" The doctor asked, starting to set up the machines. She washed her hands and then snapped on her gloves.

"Good," JJ said, running a hand over her stomach. Emily got up from her chair to stand next to JJ's side.

"You're okay, you just have to relax," Emily said softly into her ear. JJ tried to listen to her but her nerves wouldn't subside.

She was scared that something was going to be wrong with the baby, and the fact that she felt like she was going to pee her pants didn't help. The amount of water she had to drink before the ultrasound felt ridiculous.

"This shouldn't take too long, I'm just going to check on how the baby's developing." Dr. Montgomery started the ultrasound machine and grabbed a bottle.

"This will feel a little cold," she said, spreading some of the gel on JJ's stomach. She shivered at the feeling. Emily held her hand and they both watched the screen.

A loud thumping sound filled the room. JJ smiled as Dr. Montgomery started to move around the ultrasound wand. "That sound is your baby's heartbeat," she told them.

She examined the screen more, turning it so Emily and JJ could see it better. "Everything is looking great, you're about 12 1/2 weeks along. They've got both arms and legs, and 10 little fingers and toes. Position is normal and so is the amniotic fluid level," she said.

"So everything's okay?" JJ asked, still holding onto Emily's hand tightly. "Everything is looking good," Dr. Montgomery confirmed. She started to print out the ultrasound and wiped the gel off JJ's stomach.

The print came out and she handed it to JJ. JJ started at it, not able to pull her eyes away. She could now actually see the shape of the baby. Emily stared at it too, pressing a kiss to JJ's forehead. "Everything's okay," she whispered into her hair.

JJ pulled up her jeans and sat up fully, never letting go of Emily's hand. Dr. Montgomery asked JJ a few more questions before they were allowed to leave.

Walking out of the room was a huge relief to JJ. She was glad that it was over and that nothing was wrong. She was finally able to use the bathroom before her and Emily went back down to the car.

JJ held the ultrasound in her hand tightly, staring at it again as Emily drove them to work. "It's so tiny," she said, running her finger over the blurry picture.

"They're just going to keep growing, don't worry." Emily smiled, glancing down at the picture. "How come my stomach isn't huge yet?" JJ asked.

Emily laughed softly, placing one hand over JJ's belly. "Everyone's body is different. Some people don't start showing until later. Maybe you just got a small baby," she said.

"All babies are small," JJ responded. "Okay, maybe you got an especially small baby," Emily said, still smiling at her.

"You know, you're officially past 12 weeks now," Emily reminded her. "Oh really? I thought I was having the baby tomorrow," JJ said sarcastically.

"Haha," Emily mocked. "I meant, 12 weeks was when you said you were going to tell the team. I don't like you going in the field, JJ."

"I will tell them. As soon as I get the chance," JJ said casually. "And when will that be?" Emily asked, not fully believing JJ was serious about telling people.

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