Chapter Four

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"Good morning to you," Emily laughed as JJ stumbled her way into the kitchen. It was around 9 am and a Saturday, so no real reason to wake up.

"Morning," she mumbled, nearly hitting the wall as she walked. She rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up. "The lack of caffeine is getting to me."

"I can tell." Emily nodded. JJ rolled her eyes and poured herself a glass of water. "Sit. I made breakfast," Emily said. She carried two plates of french toast to the table, followed behind by JJ.

They ate together, Emily not drinking coffee because it felt mean to drink it right in JJ's face. "So what do you plan on doing about the house?" Emily asked. It had been about a week since they caught Will and JJ was still staying with her.

"I don't think I can live there again," she sighed. "But I've stayed with you for too long. I'm sorry, I should've left the day Will got caught. I've just been distracted and stuff. I'll find a place to rent." She held her head in her hands.

"I did not say you've stayed with me for too long. I like having you here, Jayje," Emily said. She looked down at her plate. "You could always just stay, you know."

"What?" JJ asked. "You could stay," Emily said again. "It won't be easy being all alone once the baby gets here. You could live here."

"You want me and my screaming, dirty, vomiting infant here in your apartment?" JJ laughed. "Yes, I do," Emily smiled.

"Are you really sure about this?" She asked hesitantly. "I'm sure." Emily nodded. "We can paint over one of the rooms and turn it into a nursery. The baby will have its own room."

To Emily's surprise, JJ stood up and hugged her tightly. JJ's hugs were always one of Emily's favorite things. "Thank you for being such a good friend. I don't know what I'd do without you," JJ laughed softly.

"I'm happy to be here for you. You're a good friend too." Emily kissed the top of her head. JJ looked up and their eyes met. Their faces were merely inches apart.

For a second Emily considered kissing her. It seemed like the only logical thing to do in this situation.

But then the silence was broken by a small buzz coming from JJ's phone. The moment was gone. Emily sat up and JJ moved back into her chair.

They continued to eat and talk as if nothing had happened. It was like that small moment had never even existed.


"You okay?" Emily reached over the center console in the car and grabbed JJ's hand. "I'm fine. Just nervous," she replied.

It was Sunday morning and Derek, Penelope, and Emily were all helping JJ pack up her old house so she could sell it.

"We're here," Emily said, pulling the car into the driveway. JJ shivered at seeing the house again, remembering what happened the last time she walked into it.

"It's going to be okay," Emily assured her. She opened the door and got out of the car. JJ trailed behind her. Derek's and Penelope's cars were both parked out front which meant they were already there.

Emily placed her hand on the doorknob, slowly pulling it open. Immediately, the smell of bleach hit both of them.

Emily walked inside first and saw Penelope on the floor with a bucket of bleach and a rag, most likely mopping up whatever was left of the blood after JJ was taken to the hospital.

"You're here! We wanted to get a head start but we don't know what you want to keep or give," Penelope explained. Derek walked in from the living room where he was setting up cardboard moving boxes.

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