Chapter Three

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"Emily! Come sit with me," JJ called, trying to force her out of the kitchen. They had just finished dinner and Emily was cleaning up.

"So bossy," Emily replied, walking out of the kitchen and crashing down onto the couch next to her. JJ had the remote in her hand and she was flipping through movies.

"JJ?" Emily reached out and grabbed her hand. "What's wrong?" JJ asked, noticing the concerned look on her face.

"Nothing's wrong, but are you sure you're ready to go back to work tomorrow? You could take just a couple days off," Emily told her. She knew JJ was capable of taking care of herself but she did worry about her.

"I'm fine to go back. I'm going to be on desk duty for at least 3 weeks and then even longer after I tell the team about the baby," JJ sighed.

"You're sure?" Emily asked. "Yes, I'm sure." JJ nodded, cuddling into her side and turning her head towards the tv. "Now stop stressing. It's bad for the baby."

"My stress is bad for the baby?" Emily laughed. She mindlessly ran her thumb over JJ's belly. "Yes," she responded. "It makes me stressed which is bad for the baby."

Emily held JJ close to her, still laughing softly. "I'll stop being stressed, just for you," she said. JJ continued to scroll through movies until she finally landed on one she liked and played it.


"You got everything?" Emily asked. She poured her coffee into a travel mug. "Yes, let's go," JJ replied. It was Monday morning and they were going straight back into work.

Since JJ wasn't traveling yet, she didn't need to bring her go bag. She just grabbed her purse and slipped on her shoes.

"How's your wrist?" Emily glanced down at the brace JJ still had to wear. "It's not hurting too bad. I took a Tylenol this morning." She shrugged. The thing that sucked about being pregnant is that she couldn't take any pain medicine for her injures expect Tylenol.

They walked out of the apartment and went down to Emily's car. "Can I pick the music?" JJ asked as they got in. "Go for it," Emily smiled. She was curious about what JJ liked to listen to.

JJ ended up playing Taylor Swift the entire car ride which was in no way surprising to Emily.

When they arrived at the bau Emily parked the car. She started to open the door when she noticed the hesitation on JJ's face.

She reached over, resting her hand on top of JJ's. "Everything's going to be fine. It'll be back to normal in no time," Emily assured her.

"Everybody knows," JJ sighed softly. One of the main reasons she had never told anyone about what Will was doing was because she was embarrassed. She was embarrassed she let it happen and she couldn't stop it.

"You think anyone's going to judge you?" Emily asked, shaking her head. "Do you remember what happened when we found out about Derek's childhood? About Reid's? Penelope's? Did we ever judge them because of what happened?"

"No," JJ whispered, playing with her hands in her lap. "It wasn't their fault."

"You're right. It wasn't their fault. And it wasn't your fault either. You know that. Nobody thinks it was your fault, and if they do they're idiots," she said firmly.

"You're strong. If anyone ever tells your otherwise they're lying. What he did does not define you, and it doesn't define your child either. I want you to remember that." Emily gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"I know." JJ nodded. "It's going to be okay," she tried to assure herself.

"It's going to be okay," Emily repeated. "We're going to find Will. You and your baby will never have to worry about him again."

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