Chapter Fourteen

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"Relax, would you?" Emily sighed, picking up JJ's hand and squeezing it. She was laying on the exam table waiting for Dr. Montgomery to come in.

"I'm just nervous," JJ told her, picking at nails. She was officially 20 weeks along and they were now finding out the gender of the baby.

"Don't be nervous. Everything will be fine, don't stress," said Emily. "I can't help it, I'm sorry," JJ said quietly, like she truly felt bad about it.

Emily laughed, leaning down and kissing her lips. "I know, sweetheart. I didn't mean it like that. Just take a deep breath, we'll find out soon enough."

JJ listened and tried her best to breathe deeply. Emily ran her fingers through JJ's hair, which usually helped calm her down.

A few minutes later Dr. Montgomery knocked and the door cracked open. JJ told her to come in, still holding Emily's hand tightly.

"Hey, how're we doing today?" she asked brightly. "Good," JJ said shyly, which was funny because she wasn't generally a shy person.

"She's excited, don't listen to her face. She's just nervous," Emily said, looking down at her hand which JJ was still holding.

Dr. Montgomery smiled, understanding. "Let's take a look at the little one," she said.

When her hand was about to touch JJ's stomach, JJ suddenly got up from the chair. "No, no, I don't want to do this," she said, a few tears sliding down her cheeks.

Emily was shocked, she had no idea what was going on. "JJ, hey, what's wrong?" she asked, taking a step towards her. JJ only backed up more until she hit the wall.

"I don't want to do this," she cried, her whole body trembling. Emily wrapped her arms around her waist. "You've done this, baby. You have nothing to be scared of, you know that."

JJ shook her head no, trying to get out of Emily's arms. Emily held her there firmly. "Why? Tell me why."

JJ kept shaking her head but Emily wasn't going to let her just walk out. "We're going to look at the baby. We'll find out whether it's a boy or a girl. Why are you scared?"

"Something's going to be wrong," JJ sniffled. "Nothing's going to be wrong. We're just going to look at the baby, see how everything's going. Come on," Emily told her. She took her hand and held it again.

She lead her by the hand and made her sit back on the exam chair. "You're going to be fine," Emily assured her, wiping away a few tears with her thumb. "Don't cry, it's going to be okay."

JJ took more deep breaths like Emily always told her to. She squeezed her hand as hard as she could while Dr. Montgomery lifted up her shirt.

"I'm going to put some gel on, it'll feel cold. Then we're going to take the ultrasound. It's just like how it was the first time. I need to check on how the baby's doing, then you're all done," she said.

JJ's slow breathing got harder and harder as Dr. Montgomery took the ultrasound wand to her belly. "JJ, everything's going to be fine. Don't be scared, we're okay," Emily repeated and gently stroked her hair. She was trying everything she could to calm her down.

"Everything's looking good, I'm not seeing any abnormalities," Dr. Montgomery said with a smile. She turned the screen and pointed at it to show them. "You can see the baby's body, the arms, and the legs. These are the feet, and right here you can see their face developing."

"That's the nose," JJ said, a small smile finally forming on her face. "It is," Emily ran her thumb over JJ's cheek. "Looks just like yours."

"Is it a boy or a girl?" JJ asked. She was still squeezing Emily's hand so she could tell she was nervous.

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