Chapter Two

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"Hey, it's time to wake up," Emily softly rubbed JJ's arm. She felt bad waking her up since she looked so peaceful in her sleep.

JJ's eyes fluttered open, looking around the hospital room and forgetting where she was for a second. "Emily?" She started to yawn.

"Right here," she responded, still in the chair next to the hospital bed like she had been when JJ fell asleep. "You feeling okay?"

JJ nodded, rubbing her eyes. "Just sore." She was still tired even though she slept most of the night.

"You're getting discharged today. You'll be able to get out of here," Emily told her.

A small smile formed on her face. She was definitely happy to be getting out of the hospital. "What happened to Will?" She asked, remembering that he had just disappeared. It was a scary thought because that meant he could come back and find her.

"We're looking for him, we're going to get him. The second he uses his ID, credit card, even his phone, we'll get him," Emily said confidently.

JJ twirled the front strand of her hair in her finger. It was just a nervous habit she'd always had. Everything about this situation was so stressful, that couldn't be good for the baby.

Emily noticed how tense she looked and tried to distract her. "Penelope packed you a bag with some clothes, she dropped it off here. You're going to stay with me for a little while."

"I can't stay with you. My fucked up life isn't your responsibility. That's not fair to you." JJ shook her head as soon as she heard the idea. The last thing she wanted was to be a burden on Emily.

"You can't go back to your house alone, that's exactly where Will would look. You're not just some inconvenience to me. You're my best friend and I want you to come stay with me," Emily tried to reassure her.

"You're really okay with it?" JJ asked skeptically. "Yes. You and the little one will be just fine with me." Emily rested her hand over JJ's. "He is never going to hurt you again."

"Thank you Em. You're a good friend," JJ said softly, holding onto her hand. "You don't have to thank me. I'm happy to do it for you," she smiled.

There was a knock at the door and the two pulled apart quickly. Emily rested her hand back in her lap as the doctor walked into the room. She had long red hair and a bright smile. Her happy demeanour was comforting. She'd talked to Emily last night but hadn't met JJ because she was passed out arriving in the ambulance.

"I'm Dr. Montgomery," she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you. Thanks for keeping my baby alive," JJ laughed softly.

"That was all you, actually. The man who attacked you didn't get a touch on them. Your arms and back took most of the damage. You protected your baby." Dr. Montgomery gave her a small smile. "This kid has an incredibly strong mother."

"Nothing happened?" JJ asked, running her hand over her belly.

"They're doing perfectly fine. Heart rate and development is normal. You're about 6 weeks right now with a very healthy baby," she told JJ. "A nurse should be here with your discharge papers soon, then you'll be free to leave."

"Thank you," JJ said as she started to walk out of the room. She turned back for a second. "Oh, and if you have any questions or concerns, give me a call. I gave your girlfriend my card," she said.

Dr. Montgomery walked out of the room before JJ could correct her. Girlfriend. It made JJ's heart flutter a bit.

JJ and Emily both looked at each other awkwardly, but then quickly moved on. Emily noticed her phone dinging for the millionth time, all texts from the team.

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