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"I'll be the mother of Esmeralda and in return you'll be my lawyer again" her words rang a bell in my head and it took a lot of muscles in my face not to break into a smile

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"I'll be the mother of Esmeralda and in return you'll be my lawyer again" her words rang a bell in my head and it took a lot of muscles in my face not to break into a smile.

Maja is not the best woman out there considering her notorious records, her illicit doings and who she is but I believe that despite all these darkness that defined her there's a light and I'm certain my gem is the one who would cause that light to shine.

Asking Maja Elzandre, a ruthless murderer and lethal criminal to be the mother to my most precious being was a grave decision but I still can't deny the little affirmation within myself that she's going to give Esmè the love of a mother that she deserves. Maja risking her life to save Esmè and even going out of her way to take care of her after is a major confirmation to the doubts I was feeling before I made my decision.

Having her to be Esmeralda's mother is much better than having her real mother or a random lady who will only be after my money and dick and hide her real intentions behind pretentious words and actions.

"Follow me" I commanded and from the glitch in her brows I could guess she didn't like the fact I commanded her and for some unknown reasons she didn't put up a fight which of course surprised me.

We said nothing until we got to my office and as usual she didn't wait for my permission nor asked for it, she made herself comfortable on the chair.

I glared at the side of her face although I wasn't really bothered by her unethical actions anymore. I stationed myself on my chair and took out the file that contained the contract.

I slid it to her direction and without letting me explain some things she signed on the spots where her signature was needed leaving me stupefied.

"You should have waited to hear the terms and conditions woman" she rolled her eyes and slid the file my way. "You really did think I'd have wasted my time reading that shit? I was trained by a mother so I know how to take care of a child and don't worry Riccardo I'll ensure she's safe and out of my business" sincerity and promise laid underneath her words but it was not all about that.

"I'm glad you know that Maja but that's not all" she shot her brow up quizzically.

"Being her mother means you'll be longer in her life than you expect Tesoro and it also means you will have to be my partner" she snapped her head with fire blaring in her eyes but before she could say a word I was quick to speak.

"Be calm Tesoro, I don't literally mean you'll have to marry me but before Esmè it has to be so. We just have to pretend that we are living like the normal average family cause that's all she has ever wanted. I won't have us bantering in front of her and I am well aware that you've made a promise to keep her safe and away from your dusky business but I'm still going to request that you should be more careful. Not just around Esmè but outside in general. I won't have my daughter worrying about her mother always being away cause of one criminal case or the other. In short words stay away from trouble" her silence and the emotions in her eyes gave off how annoyed she was by this helpless situation which induced a sly smirk to settle on my lips that aggravated her further.

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