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After hours of traveling I arrived at The Marchessi mansion and from the way I was welcomed it would take a guess to know they are all aware of who I am

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After hours of traveling I arrived at The Marchessi mansion and from the way I was welcomed it would take a guess to know they are all aware of who I am.

One of her many guards led me into the house and damn I have never been awed by an architecture as I was now. The dark interior screamed beauty and power and the crystal like chandelier did not fail in compliment the entire design of the living room.

I've been to so many of her properties but none compares to the beauty of this. My eyes shifted to the spiral shaped staircase and I was amazed by the marble tiles and expensive looking rails.

Realizing my purpose of being here I quitted my admiration phase and began making my way up but halted my movement at the call from a voice

I turned around to find a tall man, attractive I must say dressed up in leather fits staring at me. "And you are?" He asked with a quizzical look, his hands tucked in his pockets as he waited for my reply.

"Elzandre" for a moment he looked perplexed but realization dawned on him and he gave me a stiff nod. "I beg your pardon for my cluelessness. Don Claudia has been waiting for your arrival, I'll show you the way" I moved a little to give him the room to come in front of me so he could lead the way.

We walked through the dark hallway and finally arrived at her office thereafter he left me with a look of approval. I turned the knob and pushed the door open to be greeted by the sweet scent of oud.

She is definitely Nictophilic cause she seem to enjoy the comfort of the dark. The lights suddenly came on but it was still not as bright as the lights normal humans install in their houses.

Our eyes collided and as usual I was met with her enchanting violet-gray mixed eyes. She's definitely a rare one.

"Hola, querido amigo" I greeted with a sinister smile which she didn't fail to return. "E ciao a te vecchio amico"(And hello to you old friend)

I made myself comfortable on the chair across her while she stood and strode to the end of the room where a glass shelf was hanging up with different bottles of expensive drinks. She grabbed a bottle of wine and returned with two glass cups.

"It's good seeing you again" she commented and I smirked in amusement. "You don't have to beat around the bush Aurora, we are of the same kind. I'm certain you mean you're excited to get down in doing dirty business with me again" she chuckled and shook her head.

"You aren't wrong there Amico but I am definitely excited to be around your crazy and notorious ass" I smiled and rested on the chair while I waited for her to open the bottle of drink.

Once she had given me my share i took a sip from the fine wine while she waited patiently for me to savor the taste and have my moment with a hawk like stare.

"Okay let's get down to business" i announced once I was done.


"You're unbelievable Claudia, you sure you really want to fight against the Lombardis? I'm definitely not an expert in all these matrimonial shit but I'm well aware that one of the law of the mafia is that you can't go against family and from legal procedures, you and Javier are now one". She shook her head and rested her elbow on the desk.

"You aren't wrong and I don't wish to go against him but I can't deny the great suspicion I have. I need to be sure Javier Lombardi has nothing up his sleeves and being backed up by someone like you and Luciano Dela-Lucchese I'm certain I'd get a lot from this union" I stayed silent for awhile letting all she said sink in.

"I'm in for you "Don" Claudia". A satisfied smirk appeared on her lips and she fell back on the back rest of her chair. "I knew I could count on you Amico, by the way what brought you here?"

I released a deep sigh and straightened my spine into my serious demeanor before starting up my explanation.

"So what exactly do you want from The Marchessis?"

"We need your spies to follow the other six members. We need to know who this person is before the situation gets out of our control" i informed and she nodded in understanding.

"Consider it done, I'll have a word with my assistant and by tomorrow you'll have a feedback". I nodded and we both stood up to say our goodbyes.

"Gracias, me alegro de poder contar contigo"(thank you, I'm glad I could count on you) she gave me a half smile and brought her hand out for handshake which I reciprocated.

"A presto caro amico"(see you soon dear friend) i threw a half smile her way and began making my way out of her office. "One more thing Maja, you should consider the little girl you wouldn't be bad of a mother" her mischievous smile contradicted her blank voice and the distance emotions in her eyes which made it tad difficult to depict what was in the head of the woman. I couldn't tell if she was mocking me or being serious but either ways I brushed it off and left.


I got to my hotel room cause staying in my villa here in Italy simply meant I was not going to leave any time soon. I made myself comfortable in a large shirt and went out to the balcony to make a call and enjoy the view of the sunset.

"Don" I called the moment she took the call. "Do you have good-news?" Her voice curt and her message straight to the point.

"Yes. She agreed" I didn't need to be there to know she nodded and probably smirked in satisfaction.

"That's good to know. So when will you be back in Ohio cause I have a job for you" the moment she said that I felt a flip of excitement in my stomach.

"I'm leaving Italy tomorrow, I'll be in Ohio at nightfall"

"Perfect. No need to come to the casino, I'm going to send you the location of this person and what you need to do" she instructed.

"Your wish is my command Don" she hung up and not long after she did I got an incoming call from Martina which I still didn't want to take but for the sake of my respect for her I decided to do just that.

"Hit the nail on the head Martina and I hope you didn't call to throw your tantrums" I was straight forward.

"Do you really hate me now?" The sadness was evident in her voice but the anger I had towards her didn't make me feel an ounce of sympathy.

"I don't hate you sister but if you really want that to happen then keep siding with the enemies" I heard an exasperated sigh from the other end of the line.

"Maja you need to stop thinking that way you know? Uncle Fidel and Aunt Samantha.... "You're really that naive huh? Alright dear sister enjoy your time with your dear family while I fight for justice for papà and mamá, goodbye" I hung up and immediately switched my phone off.

I can't hate Martina but that will only happen if she calls for it which is trying to justify the murderers of our parents.

I decided not to think about anything that will cause my poor brain to stress itself but then again I felt this little mind calling out a familiar little girl's name  and her image flashing brightly in my head which only caused my mind to stress out.

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