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"...I've been trying to reach your attorney but his line isn't going through" Martina cried out devastated while I paced angrily in the cell. I'm fucking tired of these cops thinking they can get me arrested whenever they felt like.

"Hey officer please get her out of here, nothing has been confirmed yet you can't just arrest her without any solid proof" Martina tried reasoning with the bald headed cop.

"I'm sorry Ms Elzandre but we have to keep her here until her attorney gets here and she also has to be there cause she's a major suspect" I hissed out angrily and clench my nails into my hips to stop me from pulling him by his collar and strangling him to death.

"But... "Excuse me, I have a case to attend to" he walked past Martina and she directed her glossy eyes towards me. I hate to see her in this situation and i despise it further cause I'm always the reason for her tears.

"Martina" I called and held her hands that were resting on the bar. Her tears fell on my fingers and it almost cracked me up but I had to suck in my emotions and be strong.

"Please don't worry about me, just call Rocco to come get me" she looked up at me and her sobbed increased. "D..did you do it Maja, just this once please tell me the truth" she pleaded and i took in a deep sigh.

"Would you believe me if I told you I know nothing about the murder of Evans Castillo?" Yes I do admit that most crimes I've been accused of i did commit them but this one, I know nothing about it. I don't even know whoever the man was and it seemed like this murder and case was planned perfectly by whoever the culprit is.

And whoever he or she is they must have created a perfect evidence to prove I am the murderer. I have to get a new attorney to help me for this.

I can't afford to be in jail else all my plans would be ruined.

"Ms Elzandre" one of the female cop called and came to open the cell for me. I nudged her shoulder and walked past her. I didn't wait to see a reaction from her cause I knew she was giving me a death stare.

I got to the waiting room to find Rocco and a sigh of relief emitted from my lips. "Did boss send you?" He shook his head and took his phone out.

"She isn't aware Maja and you don't have to worry I'll make sure she doesn't find out but that's not the issue tesoro, the problem is that we need to get you a new attorney".

"Don has to know about this Rocco. I don't think we can handle this alone, we need to let her know cause this case isn't as easy as all the ones we hid from her and yes we need a lawyer, a smart and.... "I won't tell you yet Mr Riccardo, you only have to promise that you'll fulfill that wish of mine"

"Riccardo DelMonte" I whispered which made Rocco raise his brow. "Did you just... "You heard me right Rocco, get Riccardo DelMonte, I want him to be my attorney" he chuckled in disbelief and rubbed the corner of his lips with his thumb.

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