Chapter 47

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So I know this isn't the most exciting chapter, but remember I'm trying to wrap things up for the upcoming ending! I've had a lot of fun making covers today, so this chapter wasn't put up earlier. Hope you still like it anyways!

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I dedicated this chapter to a new friend, @tashbomb14 who I met earlier today! She's a great writer and has two great stories! Everyone should go check them out! (I made the covers!) Anyways, enjoy as always. -Lauren


It had been almost two months since Harry first brought up the idea of adoption. At first it seemed persistant. Then again, with the new CD, he was gone a lot of the time. I'm not really sure why it all started, but ever since he first mentioned it that one night, it was hard for me to not think about it.

Eventually I gave in to the thought.

I'd be sitting at home with Brendon in the living room and I'd start to imagine what it would be like to have another kid around. Someone for Brendon to play with. Hopefully he'd like her more than he likes Lux, or we'd be in trouble. I had images of taking her shopping for prom or to get her first bra. Dealing with periods and mood swings. Taking her to mommy-daughter ballet classes. It's what every mom dreamed of doing.


"Yes, love?"

"I've been thinking about what you said a few weeks ago. The adoption thing?"

"Yes, and?"

"I think we should do it."

He embraced me and kissed my cheek as we jumped in delight. That was almost a month ago. Since then, I've worked at New York Fashion Week with Connor and visited my mom, who misses me the most. I haven't seen my dad since November, which kind of sucks. We still called every once in a while. We'd had our first project started for The Brendon Foundation. We started with by creating a website. There, girls could find other girls dealing with the same issues as them or look up numbers for local clinics in their area or look up information and ask questions. So far it had been doing amazing. All the hard work paid off when I got the first letter in the mail.

"To Who It May Concern, I believe strongly in what you have started here. I was raped while walking home from work one day. I did get pregnant from this. When I found out, I had no where to go or anybody to talk to. There was no way I could tell my parents. I was off at school and they didn't want to be bothered with bad news or they would stop helping with my tuition. I thought about taking my life at one point, or just getting an abortion. I finally sat down and looked for help. This is how I was led to you. Without the help of your website and The Brendon Foundation, I don't know where I would be now. I contacted a family near me who would like to have my baby and is paying for my medical needs. After talking to someone off the website, I gathered the courage to tell my parents what had happened. They flew straight up to help me and weren't mad at all! I just wanted you to know that none of this was made for nothing. It really does help people. I can tell you that first hand. Thank you for everyting. -M"

After that letter, we decided to open different offices and clinics. We'd been recieving donations like crazy! Girls can now go in for counseling or information. There are doctors and nurses there to give free consoltations. It's been quite beautiful to watch and hear about. To think it all started with one person. Me, of all people.

After we both agreed on the adoption, Harry looked into different adoption agencies. We decided to look into South Africa. At first, they seemed very iffy about giving us a child because of our age and having Harry being gone so much. A representative from one of the agencies came up to London to meet and interview us, along with see the house.

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