Chapter 10

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I fazed in and out of reality. The bright lights were rushing over me. It was hard to tell what was going on, but I felt like everything was going in slow motion. Harry wasn't standing by me anymore. Doctors and nurses rushed me into a room and laid me on a bed. Propping my legs open, they examined the bleeding.

"...raped...eighteen...son...excesive bleeding...." None of what they were saying made sense to me. Something pricked my arm and I looked down to see the IV attached to me. Within in seconds, I was out again.


When I woke up, everything was calm. My heart beat was monitered on a screen across the room. Blinking my eyes a few times, I tried to make sense of what was going on. The last thing I really remembered was being in Harry's house. That's when the bleeding had started... I saw Harry asleep in a chair in the corner.

"Harry?" He eyes shot open at the sound of my voice.

"Eva!" He jumped up and rushed to my side. His hands held by face.

"Are you hurting at all? I can run and get the doctor."

"No, I feel fine," I tried to sit up but a pain hit me and I fell back again.

"Don't try and sit up! The doctors just had to preform surgery on you!"

"Surgery? What are you talking about?"

His eyes grew very sad, "Something ruptured, which caused the bleeding and pain. I don't know everything. I took your phone and called your mom. She should be here soon."

"Why are you still here, Harry? I thought you had to go for practice. I'm pretty sure it's been longer than an hour..."

He managed to get a laugh out, "Don't worry about it. I called them and told them what was going on. I'm off the hook for today." He held my hand and I let my eyes flutter closed. Someone knocked on the door. A female doctor walked in with a gentle smile.

"Hello Eva, I'm doctor Shusterman. I preformed your hysterectomy."

A hysterectomy? They removed my uterus?

"Excuse me?"

"It was the source of all of the bleeding. You had major blood loss. There was too much damage to repair it. It had to be removed, or you could've died."

What was going on? I'd never had problems before? Without a uterus, I could never have children again. I pictured my ideal life before Cole and Brendon. I wanted to be a doctor who met her husband while at medical school. We would have three kids and live in a beautiful home on a street with other families and kids. Family vacations all over the world. I'd get to see them all go off to school. We would make cute Christmas cards and get to throw birthday parties. I always wanted a little girl. This all brought tears to my heart. In the moment, I felt my heart break into two pieces. Only they didn't fall apart. They lingered on each other like a hang nail. The pain was twice as bad. 

My mother ran into the room and right to me side. "Eva! Oh my gosh. You scared me half to death. I thought I'd lost you." She held me close to her chest and I let myself sink into her. My tears soaked her shoulder. Opening my eyes, I saw him. Standing in the corner, looking down on me like the devil himself. 

I gathered enough energy to pick up my finger to point to him. He was standing and casually holding Brendon in front of me. My mom looked over to him and then back at me.

"When you gave me the check, I didn't think it was real. On my lunch break, I called him and asked if he would join me so we could discuss it. That's when we got the call that you were in the hospital. We ran home and got Brendon, then rushed over here."

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