3.4~ Three Schools, One Winner

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Check it out if u want

Note: I'm going back and editing previous chapters finally. So, don't be worried if you see past chapters being uploaded again.
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T H R E E   S C H O O L S,  O N E  W I N N E R

Small black Mary-Jane shoes with small black straps going over the top of the foot walked up the grey stone steps. The figure froze before the doors before entering, the doors shutting behind her with a slight bang. Blonde hair was pulled back with a perfectly tied blue ribbon, exposing the small girls round face. The girl came to a halt again, this time in front of the stairs. She fiddled with her hands, twisting the small fingers behind her back, her anxiety rising when no footsteps were heard coming.

"Baby Alice!" Bella cheered, "No offense, but she's my favorite."

Another pair of shoes could be heard clicking on the marble steps of the dorms, the ones that led down towards the library. "Alice! I am coming, I promise!" She called out, hurrying down the steps very quickly. Astrid practically tripped over her feet, stumbling into the short girl.

Alice would have tipped over if it wasn't for the stabilizing hand belonging to the older girl. She quickly brushed herself off, blinking her pale eyelashes up at the girl. In the two weeks that the girl had been there she had only done two things: tell them that she went by Alice, and cling to Astrid whenever possible. The red head was only ten, a small-but still rather large-three years older than Alice.

Astrid ran a hand through her hair, the pink nail polish that would later be taken off when Mrs. V notice it stood out from the orange color. She started their walk to the library, a place that they went almost every day together. Alice felt most at home in the large room, the skylight reminded her of the one at her home. It made her feel closer to her mom, where ever that happened to be.

The two girls had been sitting in chairs next to the fireplace when the blonde girl suddenly spoke up, her eyes beading into Astrid. "My mom's not coming back for me, is she?"

Alice laughed, "You momma dead,"

Insert skull emoji on Ginny's face

The older girl's mouth went dry. Mrs. V had assigned her Estella Alice Black as a 'younger sister' of sorts. It wasn't surprising, many of the older girls had left and none of them were able to take on Alice as their younger counterpart. She had been given a file with the girl's information, and to say it was lacking was an understatement. It said that her mother's name was Gwenivere UNNAMED and her father's Regulus Black. She knew that the girl was only seven and had been dropped off during the night, a letter of information with the knocked out girl. When the girl woke it was said that she didn't cry or speak, she just stared at the wall. Alice had no memory of her mother drugging her or dropping her off at the boarding school. The last thing she remembered was eating dinner and having her mom tuck her into bed, placing a kiss on her forehead, whispering words quickly. A saying that went something like. 'Goodnight Littlest Dove, I love you always and forever, sleep well.'

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