Chapter 39

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We were given a week break when we got back to Korea. Except for the boys, they had alternate practice days. I met up with Sehee a lot and we talked about the same topic over and over again.

"Have you talked to Sehun?"

"Do i look like i have gathered up my courage to talk to him?"

"You can't go on like this. Okay look, Jongin called me the other day. He told me that Sehun had things to tell you but that night when he tried to explain to you, you refused to listen to him. Come on babe, everyone makes mistakes."

"I know i know i know. But UGHHHH what he did was... I don't know if it's something minor to you but to me it's really huge like.. SEHEE HE FREAKING TRUSTED HER AND NOT ME. The fact that she told him things and he didn't even bother to ask me whether it's true or not.... How do you expect me to give him a chance?" I repeatedly punch my pillow as i explained my point of view to Sehee.

The doorbell rang, we looked at each other and Sehee was poking me, asking me to quickly open the door. I opened and Jonghyun was standing there as he greeted me with his charming smile. The first thing he did when he came in was to carry Jimin and gave him the toys that he bought.

"Don't you have practice today?"

"Yeah we did just now morning. Today's a short one. So i thought of bringing you out, since i have the time. Is that okay with you?" I nodded and then went up to change. Let's see where he'll be taking me today, he's always full of surprises. We sent Sehee home on the way.

"Okay now let's go fill your stomach, you look really hungry." He said as he checked for cars before turning. Korean barbecue never fails anyone when they're hungry and also the street foods just outside the restaurant. As usual, we went to get ice cream after the big meal and took a stroll in the park. Walking at a really slow pace.

I had lots to ask him, but i don't want to unintentionally hurt him with those questions. "You look really troubled today. Do you have anything to ask or share?" He asked as he saw my eyes quiver due to the nervousness.

"Can i ask you something?"

"Anything, shoot me."

"Why did you agree to take care of/protect me when Sehun asked you to back then?"

He remained silent for awhile then he turned to me and gave me a half smile, "because from the first time i saw you, you looked so fragile. So precious, it'll break my heart to see you hurt, even though i don't know you."

"Well, i did get hurt, eventually... But you could have said no to him. I mean, a boyfriend shouldn't ask someone else to protect his girl and in the end assume that guy is dating her. Right?"

"Because i knew he was busy and he seemed sincere about being with you so i thought he just needed some help for a short while. I know he loved you, he probably still does but i didn't expect him to be seeing another girl."

What he said was stuck in my head, "he loved you, he probably still does". I know i still don't have the courage to speak to Sehun but i have to, i really have to. That night before jjong left, he made sure i was tucked in and all ready for bed before leaving. "Goodnight princess." he said as he switched off my lights and left my house.

The day before i flew off to continue the 2nd half of SHINee World tour, i called Sehun and asked if i could meet him at the cafe near SM. I was tapping the table with my fingers and taking sips of my coffee every 2 minutes. Being extremely anxious, i stared at the entrance till that tall slender figure walked in. Honestly, i miss him, i really do.

My eyes followed him as soon as he entered the cafe and took a seat in front of me. "Hey, how are you?" He took my hands and greeted me with his eye smile. It's like he was so happy to see me. "I'm good thanks! Like you said, i'm in good hands. How are you?"

"I'm.... Good i guess? I just miss you.... The boys miss you, we all do." He added in the boys to cover up for himself.

"I would love to ask about the boys but... I want to hear what you wanted to tell me the other time when i was totally mad at you."

"Oh that... Firstly, i admit that i dated her on your birthday. It's too late to say sorry, but i hope you'll forgive me. I dated her because i wanted to know more. Junmyeon and Chanyeol hyung told me a different story while the other members told me another set of story, so i decided to date her that one time to find out more and i-"

"Okay, WOAH stop right there young man. Would you be okay if i wanted to find out more about Jonghyun and i went to date him instead of asking around?"

"Absolutely not but-"

"There you have it, this is why i didn't want to listen to your explanation the other night." I was starting to get ticked off. Should i stay or just leave?

"Listen, Haru. I still love you. I did not have feelings for her. I miss you every single day and night, you're all i long for. It's been really hard for me to watch Jonghyun hyung take such good care of you, knowing that i can never be half as good as he is."

"I seriously don't get you. I thought talking things out would be good but-" i was cut off by his incoming call. We both looked at his phone and it was her, Gaeun was calling him. He dated her only that one time? Really?

I walked out of the cafe that instant and never called him ever again. Maybe it's time to let everything go. On the day we left for the 2nd half of the tour, Jjong never left my side. He made sure the fans wasn't blocking my way and he kept asking whether everything was okay. Before we boarded the plane, he sat next to me and we had a short conversation.

"Jjong, don't you think you're being too nice to me? You know i'm nobody right?"

"You are the world to me. I'm not being too nice, i just don't want to see you get hurt and when someone else hurts you, i want to be the one to pull you back up."


"Maybe because..... You did a lot for me too, so don't ask me why i'm doing all this. Just take it as if i'm repaying you okay?"

"But what if i do something to hurt you?"

"You won't hurt me Haru, i know you. Even if you did something which will hurt me somehow, it's probably for your own good." He smiled at me and we went to board the plane. After the conversation we had, it shows that Jjong really lives up to that quote he once told me, "approval over understanding." Which is making me rethink my decisions.

Should i go for it?

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