Chapter 38

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It's that usual post break-up syndrome that everybody will face. Avoid each other, feeling depressed and everyone around you telling you to stay strong, cheer up or move on.

It's been 2 weeks since i last spoke to Sehun and now i'm flying across the world with SHINee for their concert tour. Yes i am having a lot of fun right now, i feel happier with all those problems off my chest, but the thought of Sehun never left my mind. I was still wearing the necklace he gave me and i will always look at it to remind me that he loves me, even when i don't know how he's really feeling right now.

The boys just finished their last concert for the first half of the tour and we had a whole day to ourselves before flying back to Korea the next morning. As soon as i entered my hotel room after the last debrief, i crashed on my bed and then i bolted right up again. I searched for my phone in my bag. It's the same thing everyday, having the urge to send him a text and ask how is he doing, but i never had the courage to do so. It's so frustrating.

I was about to take a nap when the hotel phone rang. "Good afternoon, Ms Haru. Would you like some orange juice?" Kibum said in a low voice, trying not to get caught.

"Guys, you have been doing this prank at every hotel since the start of your tour. Can you all not be so obvious?"

"Okay sorry. Anyways, do you wanna go out later?" Jonghyun took over.

"Nah.. I'm not really in the mood to head out..."

"Are you okay? Okay scratch that question, i'll head to your room right away." Jonghyun, the only one whom i don't have to tell anything and he'll know what's going on. I wasn't feeling well that day, plus i was still overthinking about Sehun, which explains why i didn't want to go out.

I was already half asleep by the time he got to my room. He slowly sat down at the edge of the bed and asked softly whether i'm okay, i just let out a whisper, "i'm feeling cold..." He placed his hand on my forehead and then he removed his shirt. I was shivering so bad, even the blanket wasn't enough. I heard him calling Kibum telling them he won't be able to go out with them because i wasn't feeling well.

He hurried over after he ended the call and lay down next to me under the covers, pulling me closer to him. His warm body touched mine and he snuggled closer, leaving no gaps. His arms wrapped around me and he locked his fingers with mine. "I'm here, i'll keep you warm." he whispered. That was the last thing i heard from him before i drifted into a much needed sleep.

I sat right up the moment i inhale the aroma of my favourite pastry. "Oh you're awake already?" I heard jjong's voice and i groggily answered him, "can you help me up?" I expected him to help me up slowly but he took both of my hands and pulled me towards him, resulting me to fall right into his arms. I blinked my eyes repeatedly while he looked at me and giggled, "you're too cute. Come let's eat, i bought you food.... and i brought you a person too."

A person? I took one croissant and followed jjong to their room. My eyes widened and i screamed the moment i saw Sehee and baby Jimin. "It's amazing how she can still scream and squeal with that croissant in her mouth." I overheard Minho saying that.

"Oh my god!!! When did you get here? Why are you even here? How are you?" I was obviously beyond excited because i haven't seen Sehee in awhile.

"Kim Jonghyun brought me and Jimin here. He told me you were sick, he even called your parents but obviously they can't come since they're busy. Are you okay? Like mentally okay? I know you're physically fine tho."

"Ahhhh jjong is always doing things. I'm fine... Okay maybe not really because... I mean, who am i kidding right? I just lost my first love and i feel like talking to him but i can't... UGHHHHH" I screamed and snuggle into her arms, hugging Jimin too.

"Okay we'll talk about it when we get back to Korea okay? Everything will be fine for now. I'm here for you and i think it's important for you to know that jjong have been there for you since the start. I hope you realize that." Sehee said to me while running her fingers through my hair and patting me. I lifted my head and took a glance at jjong then laid back down on Sehee's lap. Yes i know Jonghyun have been there for me since the start, he took care of me, protected me and the most important thing is, he showered me with his tender loving care.

Did he willingly do all that just because Sehun asked him to protect me or did he developed feelings along the way? If he did, would he ever confess? Never once have i asked him why did he agree to help Sehun 'look after'/'protect' me.

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