Chapter 2

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The months went by really quickly and it was almost towards the end of 2014 already. My dearest best friend is still trying her best to pull me into k-pop, but i'm still as uninterested as i was from the start. I just wanted to get high school done and over with, it was a struggle especially with crazy fangirls and bullies in school. Thank god i was already graduating.

It was during the holidays when Se Hee came over and spent a whole lot of time with me. Watching movies and forever introducing me to new k-pop bands or showing newly released music videos. It was a couple of weeks before christmas day when i found out that there was a gift for me under the christmas tree in the living room. I went to the kitchen, made hot chocolate and brought it up to my room together with the present. Gently unwrapping the gift with curiosity, i found a few of EXO's albums in the box. I took them all out and found a note at the bottom of the box,

"Dear Kim Haru,

As my best friend i hope you'll treasure these.

Listen to their songs and understand the lyrics.

Watch their music videos too!

(and the drama that d.o acted in and also roommate season 1

and also all their variety shows especially


All the best for uni, i'll see you there.

i love you,


I sighed and smirked while taking out the disc from the Exo's christmas album and played it. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and read the back of the album. Have to admit that the songs were impressive. But what made me fall in love was when First Snow was played and it started snowing outside. I laughed to myself and said, "Miracle in December indeed huh Oh Se Hee?". I moved to my music room and sat at the piano, staring at the keys, i laid my fingers on them and started playing Exo's Miracle In December.

On christmas eve, i FaceTime with my best friend who was miles away in London having the time of her life.

"How was it, my dear Kim Haru?" Se Hee immediately asked as soon as i answered her call.

"Oh Se Hee, well done my girl. You've pulled me into the dark side." i confessed in a monotonous tone.

"I'll come home and soon and we can fangirl over this!!!! OMG KIM HARU!!!!!" Se Hee was squealing like she always does.

"Yah Oh Se Hee, ppalli dorawa. Pogoshipoyo. And i still can't name all 12 of them." i said to Se Hee while pouting.

"Yah yah yah!! Stop it with the aegyo, i'll come home soon! Come fetch me alright? I'll text you later. Jal ga" Se Hee waved and ended the call.

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