Chapter 34

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"Haru it's time to get up!! We've prepared your meal." I still have no idea who's screaming at me, i was still so sleepy and exhausted. Doors opening and closing, footsteps running up and down the hallway, sound of plates and utensils being placed on the table, that's all i hear.

I was about to fall into a deep sleep when somebody just took off my blanket and screamed, "HARU WE'RE HERE!! QUICKLY GET UP." Who else would wake a person up like that if it's not Kibum and gang. "You could have woken her up gently right!!" Jonghyun smacked Kibum.

"That's how you wake us up anyway."

"Ya but she's a girl. Come on." A commotion started right there and then.

I sat up with my eyes still closed, "GUYS PLEASE, i'm awake now okay please just shush" i said as i pointed my index finger. Half awake, i walked over to where the smell of freshly baked pastries were. I smiled and was about to take one piece of mocha bread when Jongdae smacked my hand, "seriously Haru? Can you please shower first!!" I went to my room, took a shower and got into a fresh pair of jeans and hoodie.

There was so much food prepared by them. I didn't even ask who bought or who cooked it, i just ate them. "So what are you guys here for?" I said while stuffing my mouth with food. "You went through a lot last night and since we're all free today, we thought we should do something to make you feel better." Baekhyun answered. "We've planned the whole day for you." Jonghyun said as he flashed his charming smile.

After we ate breakfast, we got into different cars and hit the road. Of course Jonghyun wanted me to be by his side where he can see me. "Why do i always need to be by your side? I mean, it's not like the other guys can't look after me..."

"I was hoping i don't have to say this but, you're mine to protect. So i need you by my side." He winked.

"Why do you always have to be so cheesy?" I laughed at his cheesiness. Unfortunately, i was riding with the noisy bunch. Kibum, Baekhyun and Jongdae were in the back seat singing to every song that was played throughout the journey. They were singing it out of tune and of course they changed the lyrics and remixed it.

We spent the whole day out of Seoul, at a place where the boys didn't have to run away from fangirls. It was a lovely town that had a fair and we played many games and took rides. We did face painting, won huge soft toys, rode a carousel and ate cotton candy. Minho who brought his DSLR took many pictures of us, we also brought a polaroid and i've lost count of the number of photos we took. All i remember is just snapping and repeatedly opening new boxes of films.

After the trip to the fair, we all went to a cafe to have something warm to drink. "We really hope you enjoyed this trip." Minho said to me.

"And don't worry too much okay? We'll go through everything with you." Kyungsoo told me as he gave me a hug.

"Really appreciate all these, thank you for everything. I don't know what i'll do without you guys." Getting emotional, but i didn't cry of course. Jonghyun sent me home after that and the boys went back to dorm. Back to reality because we all have tight schedules the next day.

I woke up rushing to work the next morning. When i arrived at the practice room, the boys were already there but they were surprised to see me. "Why are you here so early?" Taemin asked. I was still trying to catch my breath, "Am i not late?" The boys stared at me with a blank look and i gave myself a face palm.

I was about to rush off to the office to check my schedule when i bumped into Jonghyun, literally bumped into his chest. I could hear the boys giggling at the back. "Here's your coffee and here's your schedule." He handed me both of it and made me sit at the sofa.

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