Chapter 5

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"Riiiing!" my phone rang on a cold day in december.


"Ne, Kim Haru ssi? Lee Jung Min here." a man voiced out.

"Ne, Lee manager?"

"We've decided to let you start work on Monday. Please be punctual."

"Ne, gamsahamnida manager Lee Jung Min."

"Oh and i'll be waiting at the entrance on that day. Annyeong!" the call ended.

I was relieved that i finally got a job, i called Se Hee and told her everything. She being an EXO-L was envious of me and started fangirling. Telling me what to do and made sure i know all their names before hand. I spent my weekends at home, watching movies and also practicing on my piano.

My mum knocked and came into the room,

"Haru ya, have you considered giving piano lessons?" she asked calmly.

"I've thought about it, but i have no idea where to find students." i replied with a pout.

"No worries! Appa and i have found 2 students for you. It'll be a good start." she said with a smile.

I needed more income since my tuition fees were a burden and I did not want my parents to pay the full sum. It was on Sunday when I looked into my wardrobe for clothes to wear on my first day and realised that all i have was printed shirts and nothing appropriate. I called Se Hee and asked her out for shopping.

The next morning, i woke up earlier than usual. Prepared breakfast for the family and got dressed for the first day of work. I left a note for my parents saying that i'm off to work and make sure to eat the meal that i've prepared. I took a last look around the house and closed the door.

I put on my shades when i was nearing the SM Entertainment building as there were many fans there and the flashes from the cameras were irritating. Lee Jung Min bujangnim was already waiting for me at the entrance. We both hurriedly enter the building and went up to the conference room. He explained to me all the things that needs to be done and then brought me to a practice room. When the door opened, i saw 10 boys dancing to a really familiar song. I entered the room awkwardly and waited for them to finish dancing.

The song stopped and all them greeted me and Lee Jung Min bujangnim, "We are one! Annyeonghaseyo EXO-imnida!". I was in a state of shock but still managed to greet them with an awkward smile, "Annyeonghaseyo. Jeoneun Kim Haru-ieyo. Mannaseo bangawoyo!"

Lee bujangnim introduced me to Exo's managers and told them that i'll be working under them for the time being as their assistant and will help them around with everything. With that, Lee Jung Min sunbaenim left me in their hands, wished me luck and left the room. The managers started my day by introducing each and everyone one of them to me.

"Annyeong, i'm Suho, the one who protects EXO." he said with a big smile. 

"Annyeong, i'm the cutie maknae, Sehun." greeting me with aegyo.

"Annyeonghaseyo, i'm healing unicorn, Lay." bowing politely with a smile. (his dimple is so gorgeous)

"Annyeong, i'm Baekhyun." waving and blushing at the same time.

"Annyeong, i'm Chanyeol aka yoda." smiling cutely with his peace sign pose at his eye.

"Annyeong, i'm kung fu panda ab style, Tao." he smiled and bowed.

"Annyeong, i'm D.O." (squishy soo's cute smile)

"Annyeong, i'm Kai." he said shyly.

"Annyeong, i'm Chen! The camel dinosaur." he said cutely, smiling prettily. (his cheeks and the corner of his mouth though)

"Annyeong, i'm Exo's baozi, Xiumin!" greeting loudly with a cute smile.

After greeting each other, the boys continued with their practice while the managers and i talked about all the things that i have to help them out with. With EXO's comeback just around the corner, the managers have many things to settle like concert venues, ticket sales, flight tickets, stage wardrobe and especially their super packed schedule.

I was given the list for EXO's schedule, the card for entry into the SM building and the contact list of everyone. After that, i left the room with Manager Lee oppa. I helped him organise the make up artists' schedules and also the concert venue bookings. I was really occupied with all the work when Junmyeon suddenly appeared and asked, "Kim Haru-ssi, do you want to join us for lunch?". I was shocked and just nodded. I brought along all the paper work with me and walked to the practice room with him.

When i entered the room, i saw that the boys ordered chicken. Just what i was craving for and i was also starving at that moment. Jongin handed me my portion and i sat at a corner continuing with all the paper work while eating. The other managers were busy and i was told to keep an eye on the boys while doing my work too. Suddenly, the boys brought the food nearer to where i was seated and continued eating. I looked up at them and Chanyeol said, "We never leave anyone out when we're eating. Please be comfortable around us and thank you for working hard. Enjoy your meal!" he said while smiling so sweetly.

After their meal, they had an hour of free time before resuming their practice. Instead of leaving the room and enjoying their time, they decided to stay in and play the infamous 007 bang which was aired during Exo's Showtime. The first two rounds played amongst them was really funny and i couldn't help but laugh my ass off. They invited me to join them afterwards. The game was really fun and i felt like it was more like an ice-breaker for me to get comfortable around them.

I finished the work that was given to me and i took my bag. Before leaving the building, we always have to check whether the practice rooms that were used are closed and all the groups have safely returned to their dorms. I went to check all 3 practice rooms and the boys was still in one of them. When i entered, the boys looked at me and one of them was like,

"Oh, you're still here? It's quite late already." Junmyeon said with a worried look.

"Err yes, i have to check the rooms and you guys were supposed to leave already." I replied awkwardly.

"Don't we have overnight practice tonight?" Kyungsoo asked with his eyes widened O.O

"No guys, that's tomorrow. Pack up and let's leave. I have to make sure you boys get to your dorm safely." I said while flipping their schedule list.

The boys packed up and we went off together. Before we left the building, i reminded them to put on their shades because the flashes from the camera outside are going to hurt their eyes and also check whether they're all dressed warmly. After that, i called the drivers to check whether they're already outside and ready to pick them up. While waiting for the driver, Sehun and Jongin started a conversation with me.

"Are you younger than us?" Sehun asked with a confused look.

"Yes i am, sadly." I replied.

"You're really nice and i hope you'll be with us permanently." Jongin said with a smile.

"It's difficult to find a nice manager who's a girl. The manager noonas here are scary." Sehun said.

"Really? But they seem nice though. I'll work hard." I said smiling brightly at them.

The drivers came and we all left. The fangirls outside were really something. Minseok realised that it was really difficult for me to leave the area because the fangirls were asking so many questions. The car stopped next to me, the door opened and Jongdae asked me to hop on and they'll give me a lift back home.

It was really nice of them to send me home. With that, i ended the first day of work better than expected. I was really exhausted when i reached home though. Took a shower and straight away went to bed despite having 20 missed calls and 30 texts from Oh Se Hee.

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