Chapter 21

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Our lives got busier as the seasons past. We’re thankful whenever there’s a short break and would go out and play as a group. I even managed to travel over to the states with Sehun to spend time with Se Hee. She was doing better than i expected. A job that she loves and also a fine looking young lad named Park Ji Sung taking care of her and their son, Park Ji Min. I was there during the summer and i stayed over at her place. 

One of the days when i was there, Se Hee and Ji Sung had work to do so i was told to look over Ji Min. He’s a really cute 3 year old boy who resembled Minguk (from The Return of Superman). Sehun and i was at the living room with Ji Min playing his toy cars when Sehun said, “Let’s bring him out. Just us and him.”. I looked at Sehun blankly while he picks up Ji Min and walk towards his room. It was a lazy day and Sehun wants to go out? I sighed, stood up and stretched then went to my room to change. 

It was really cute how our clothes matched. Sehun and i wore denim ripped jeans with white plain top and had shades on while Sehun dressed up Ji Min with a plain white top and denim jeans. We also had matching Jays on. With that, we left the house and Sehun drove us to a nearby mall. We shopped for Ji Min’s toys, clothings and shoes as well as ours. 

We were walking at the mall, holding hands with Ji Min when a few fans came up to Sehun and asked for a picture. As more fans approached him, Sehun picked Ji Min up in his arms, pulled my hand and walked away while calmly rejecting his fans and apologising. We drove off to a cafe where there were lesser crowds and had lunch. Sehun and i enjoyed our lunchtime especially with Ji Min around. 

When Sehun was playing with Ji Min, all those questions that the boys, my parents and Se Hee kept asking me was in my head. Marriage? It was constantly on my mind. Watching Sehun playing with kids is really heartwarming and he looks like he’s going to be a great dad. (besides the fact that he is an actual sassy brat) After we had lunch, we went home. We were about to open the door when Se Hee opened it. Ji Min, being the type to always runs to his mum didn’t run to her this time and hugged Sehun tighter instead. 

“Ya what is this? What have you guys done to Jiminnie?” Se Hee said while looking at us with her shocked face. 

“Sehun spoilt him HAHAHA” I bursted out laughing looking at Se Hee like that. 

Se Hee was laughing too and tried to approach Ji Min with her open arms, “Minnie ah, come to mama.” 

Instead of going over to his mum, Jimin hugged Sehun tighter and held onto my finger at the same time. I laughed at Se Hee, “Ya Se Hee, at this rate i can take him back to Korea without any problems!” We entered the house, changed out and hang around at the living room. While we were waiting for Ji Sung to come home, Junmyeon oppa called us. 

“Yeoboseyo, oppa!” I greeted as i switched to loudspeaker. 

“Haru ya. How are you doing there?” 

“We’re doing great here. Do you miss Sehun? We’ll come home soon, don’t worry!” 

“Where is Sehun? And since when did you both have a child?” 

“HAHAHAHAHAHAH what wait no what???” 

“It’s all over sns. You and Sehun, with a kid. You guys look good tho, all 3 of you.” 

“Ahhh hyung, that’s Se Hee’s son. Park Ji Min.” 

“Ah thank god. I thought you guys adopted a kid. Tell Se Hee i said hi.” 

“Ne oppa. How are the boys?” 

“WE’RE ALL GOOD HERE. PLEASE BUY US SOUVENIRS!!” Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Jongdae, Tao and Jongin’s voice screaming from the back. 

“Yup, you heard them. Please come back quickly. And take care okay.” 

“Okay, we’ll call you when we arrive in Korea.” 

After the call, i went onto tumblr and saw the pictures of Sehun, Jimin and i. I have to admit that the fans have really good cameras and capture really nice pictures of us. It was like a family picture though. Se Hee saw it and she looked at us, “You guys have to get married quickly. I need a godson asap. You guys have Jimin already!” Sehun and i just laughed at Se Hee and we continued chatting throughout the day till late night. 

The week passed really quickly and we had to fly back to Korea. Se Hee, Ji Sung and baby jimin sent us off at the airport. After a long flight, we touched down in Korea during the wee hours. I was so jet lagged, after i took my luggage i searched for a bench and took a nap. Sehun sat next to me and made a call to Junmyeon. 

“Yeoboseyo, hyung. We’re back in Korea. Can you come fetch us?” 

“Okay i’ll come over with manager lee.” 

Instead of going back to the dorm, Sehun stayed over at my place for a day. We had a really good night’s sleep and we woke up in the late afternoon. Waking up next to Sehun is always the best feeling. “Good morning princess.” he greeted as soon as i opened my eyes. We got dressed and went to SM building since the boys have practice that day. 

It’s the usual practice day, watching the boys sweat off their worries and also listen to all their lame jokes. During their break, we all sat together in the middle of the practice room with 5 sets of different flavoured fried chickens in front of us. Everyone was digging in and i was just there staring at all of them blankly. “Ya manager maknae, are you okay?” Jongdae asked while waving this hand in front of my face. I snapped out of it and pushed away Jongdae’s hand, “I’m okay. Just daydreaming.” 

Them being a bunch of idiots starting searching tumblr for that picture the fans took of baby Jimin, Sehun and i. Chanyeol being the fastest found one, “Yaaaaa. You guys really look good here.” 

“Awwww our Sehunnie carrying baby Jimin with a smile on his face while Haru looks like a proud girlfriend.” Jongdae jumped into the attack. 

“Our baby hunnie is all grown up now.” Minseok said while clapping his hands. 

Sehun smiled and pulled me closer. Everyone kept on teasing us and asked when are we getting married. But we kept silent and just smiled. After the break, they had split up practice. I went to the office to take my whole stack of paper work and walked over to the dance line’s room to watch over them. Watching them dance reminded me of the first day i came into the practice room and saw all of them. Sehun and Jongin were the first ones to start a conversation with me. 

The day ended with a debrief and we all headed back. Being at home with my parents is always a good feeling. The marriage question is still lingering in my mind though, especially when my mum keeps indirecting. After i changed out, i went to the living room to watch a movie. “I thought you only watch movies in your room?” my dad asked as he walked to the kitchen. “Well i thought maybe if i sat out here, you guys would join me for a movie?”. Dad smiled at me, took his cup of coffee then shouted for mum to join us. We watched Love, Rosie that night. Mum and i cried while dad just turned to us and, “How is this even sad?”

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