Welcome to PCA

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Bella's POV

My mom pulled up to PCA where all the other parents were dropping off their kids and I couldn't handle my excitement. Logan has gone to this school since the 6th grade and since then I haven't been able to be around my best friend everyday. But when the announcement went out that PCA was letting girls in for the first time ever ,you bet your ass I was enrolling myself as soon as possible.

"Bella calm down" my mom said laughing at me while I was bouncing up and down in my seat

"Mom I can't help myself I missed Logan" i muttered

"I know you did y'all are inseparable when you're together" she responded rolling her eyes

We got to the front of the drop off line and both hopped out of the car. My mom opened the trunk and started pulling bags out while I kept looking around seeing if I could spot Logan anywhere.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the trunk closing. I looked over at my mom who had a sad smile on her face

"Mom don't cry" i choked out trying to keep myself from crying. Me and my mom were really close so leaving her was gonna be hard.

"I'm sorry,I'm just gonna miss you" she stated wiping her eyes

I rolled my eyes and pulled her in for a hug "I'll text and call you all the time" I told her while pulling away

"You better"

"Ok we'll I should get going, bye mom I love you" I told her while picking up my bags.

"Bye honey I love you too" she replied.

I started walking off not bothering to look back, knowing if I did I would start crying even more.

"take care of my girl Logan" my mom whispered before getting in the car and driving off

It's been about 10 minutes of me wandering around campus trying to find my dorm room while also struggling to carry all of my stuff

"hey do you need help" I heard a happy voice call, I turned around to see a blonde girl around my age walking my way. She didn't have any bags in her hands which made me think she already found her dorm.

"Um that would be great actually, if you don't mind. I've been trying to find my dorm for the last 10 minutes but I'm not too good with directions" I rambled before looking down at my feet in embarrassment.

"Sorry that was a lot, I'm Bella" I said, this time making eye contact with the girl

"I'm Zoey!!" the girl replied happily
"and don't worry it took me a while to find my room too" she added on, making me feel a lot better about myself.

"Oh thank God, I thought I was the only one" she just laughed at my comment before taking some bags from hands.

"So what room are you in"

I pulled out my schedule from my pocket to look at room assignment "I'm in Butler Hall room 101"

Zoey gasped before looking at me with excitement in her eyes "No way me too!!"

"Omg really that's great!!" I cheered with her

"Now we both have a friend and we just got here" She said, while I just smiled. I mean I technically had Logan but I haven't seen him yet so she wouldn't know that.

We both walked up to our room and started to unpack some of our stuff, before we heard screaming coming from the bathroom. We bolted in only to find a girl freaking out about urinals. Turns out said girl was Nicole our other roommate. This should make for an interesting year.

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