Chapter twenty

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4 days later

Alana Russo

I wake up in a dark room. The last thing I remember is being shoved into a car and feeling something against my head. I've sort of woken up a couple of times but I couldn't stay conscious because of all the pain in my head.  I try to look around but I'm pinned to the chair with some ropes. I feel something dripping off my shoulder and when I go to look what it is I see blood. After a while, I hear some voices from outside the room. Then footsteps come closer and the door opens. A tall man enters but doesn't turn on the light.

 "How are you, Alana?" The person asks and it feels like I recognize it from somewhere. "Couldn't be better," I say sarcastically. I roll my eyes since the dude can't see that anyway. I hear him laugh evilly before he starts talking. "Listen you won't get out of here unless your boy toy comes to save you but I doubt he will." The man says and anger starts to build up inside of me. "He will find me and kill all of you," I say. "I doubt he will kill me." The man says. "I must say you've changed since I last saw you." He then turns on the light and I finally recognized him. 

"Dad?" I say in disbelief. All these years of trauma and he was alive. All those years of hurt and he could've been there for me. "Don't call me that. You decided to throw away my last name and change it into that bastard's." My father says and before I know what's happening I feel cold metal hitting me in the face. "You are no daughter of mine." He says before slapping me across the face turning around and leaving. Alvero please come and save me.

Alvero Russo

"What do you mean you can't track the fucking bracelet?" I yell at one of my tech workers. "We need the code and we lost it." the short man said. "Listen close motherfucker, my wife has had that bracelet for almost a month now, and in that month you didn't think that it be smart to ask the fucking code," I yell in the man's face. Why the fuck do I pay people if they don't do their work?

A couple of weeks ago before the wedding, I gave Alana a bracelet with a tracker on it so we could always track her down. And now this dumb bitch boy tells me he can't track her down. "If you don't know where she is in 48 hours I'll slice your throat and burn you into a fire. Capito?" I say and the man nods fast and runs away.

Allesa walks into my office without knocking looking irritated. "Listen by killing every one of your employees she won't get here sooner so stop being a bitch about it and get to work." She says hitting my right on my forehead. "What the fuck do you think you're doing," I say. "Knocking some fucking sense into you since Alana isn't here to do that. Get your ass up and get your girl."

I walk towards the tech workers to ask for all the warehouses of the French mafia but someone talked before I could. "Sir we know where she is but you can only attack the place from tomorrow otherwise she will also get hurt. And we may have noticed that her father is present." The man from a couple of minutes ago says. Sometimes you need to threaten them so they get to fucking work. "Where does he live?" I ask. "A penthouse not so far from here," I ask him to send me the address and go up to go get dressed. 

After I'm ready to go I text Matia about what's happening.  He texts me back telling me he'll be at my house in ten minutes. I put tons of weapons on my waistband just in case and walk down. "Listen up everyone, tomorrow morning at 5:30 I want everyone to be ready to attack the French and get Alana back. I'll send all of you the plan and all of you are going to prepare if I find out someone wasn't doing shit I'll burn them down next to all their loved ones." Yell at the people that are present. 

I walk out and towards Matia's car. When I get in I greet him with a fist bump. "Okay, do you think her dad has anything to with it?" I ask and Matia nods his head. "If he's been to the French mafia warehouse so much I think he does." He says while keeping his eyes on the road. "Plus, maybe he hates the fact that you married her. You have way more enemies than you know." I nod my head and look out the window.

Is she okay? I am going to kill everyone and anyone who has put their hands on her. Those fucking French have some balls to shoot me and kidnap my wife. They'll see what messing with me leads them.

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