chapter thirteen

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Alana Romano

I woke up the next day with swollen eyes. That's what you get if you cry over an asshole like him. Whatever. I get up and take a shower. Last week one of Alvero's maids had told me that today there was going to be a ball, and I had to attend it. I don't know what to wear, so I just take a black dress with a V-neck. Simple but pretty.  

I start doing my makeup and do a no-makeup makeup look. Just a bit of concealer, mascara, blush, and high lighter. After I'm done I start doing my hair and do curls at the end then I put on my dress. After I'm finally done I look at my phone, it's  2 pm. I hear a knock on my door and soon after it opens.

One of Alvero's men walks into the room, I think his name was Justin. "Alvero told me to come get you, we're leaving in 10 minutes." He tells me. I walk past him out of my room and down the stairs. Alvero is standing with his back to me. Gio notices me and smiles. 

I walk down the last steps and walk towards Gio. I give Gio a quick side hug and then look up at him. "Looking hot as always," Gio says winking at me. "And you're looking cute as always," I say while messing up his brown fluffy hair. After that, I walk away from them and walk towards the girls. "You look beautiful Lana," Stella says hugging me. "So do you guys," I  tell them. 

While waiting for the limo to arrive we talk for a bit. But in that short period, I can't help but think how handsome Alvero looks. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it.  After a while the car arrives and we leave the mansion. Alvero's sitting next to me and I notice his leg bouncing up and down. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He gives me a quick nod and looks out the window.

After a while, I hear him say: "It's the first time you'll be introduced to my mafia, you can't show any fear." I look up at him into his green eyes. "What if someone tries to hurt me," I ask him while looking away. "Won't happen because we won't leave each other's side and people are too afraid of me." 

The car stops and everyone walks out. Before we enter the building we have to give out names and from which mafia we are. Before everyone walks in they get introduced. Alvero takes my hand right before we hear our names. The big golden door opens and we start walking down the stairs. Everyone is looking at us and I get a bit anxious. But then Alvero's words from earlier play in my head. I turn my emotions off and do everything I need to do. Nothing more or less


We've been here for about three hours. Alvero has introduced me to his family, who are extremely nice. He has a seventeen-year-old sister whose name is Alessa and one twenty-eight-year-old brother whose name is Matia, Alvero is the middle child. His mom is super kind and so was his dad. 

And just like Alvero had said he didn't leave my side and I didn't leave his. After a while of him introducing me to people we hear a male voice say: "All couples are invited to the dance floor for the slow dance." People start gathering in the middle of the ballroom and I notice an old couple dancing. The man looks into the woman's eyes and she starts laughing. Cute.

"Do you...Do you want to dance?" Alvero asks me. I look into his eyes and I give him a small nod. He takes my hand and we walk towards the dancefloor. Het puts his hand around my waist and I put my hands around his neck. We dance a bit and after a while, he starts talking.

"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, I was stressed and I let it out on you." He says looking away from me. "Mi pardoner, Per favore." He says (forgive me, please) I look up into his eyes and give him a half smile. "Only on one condition," I say. He raises his brows and his lips turn into a smirk. "What is it?" He says. "I'm fully in charge of the wedding," I tell him. 

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