Chapter eight

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Alana Romano

I am watching a random show on tv because I'm bored. At first, I wanted to go to Alvero's office but I decided not to because he's probably super busy. I keep watching some shows that pop up on MTV but I am still bored. Then I decide to go to the girl's room because why not? And also I wanted to go eat but then forgot so maybe we can eat breakfast together. 

I walk out of my room towards the girl's room and I hear some weird sounds behind the door. I decide to knock before I enter cause those who want to see their best friend do the nasty. I knock on the door and I hear a familiar voice manly voice: "Wait a minute." Ten seconds later Gio stands in front of me only in his boxers. Hold on when did this happen? "What do you want?" He asks me. "Are Stella or Vic in there?" I ask him. "Stella went downstairs and Victoria is busy right now." He says and slams the door in my face right after. Okay, that was interesting. 

I go downstairs and see that Stella is reading a book while sitting by the dinner table. "Hey, girly," I say and she looks up. "Hey, how are you doing." She asks me. "I'm great, and you," I ask her. "Great ever since I'm not a maid anymore I feel so much better I feel bad for the girls we left behind, but I like this new life." She says.

 "So, what's going on between Vic and Gio," I ask Stella, she must know it since Vic has known Stella for a while now. "Yeah they have been a thing for the past six months, but since Victoria was a maid they kept it on the low and now that she isn't any more they kicked me out of the room to do their 'thing'. " Stella explains. 

"Oh yeah, I figured they kicked you out," I say. Stella turns back to her book so now we're sitting in silence. I keep thinking about last night, and how sweet Alvero was for me. Even though he needed me to take care of him, he took care of me. Only thinking about it made me smile a little.

 "And why are you smiling Alana?" Stella says pulling me out of my thoughts. "Last night when Alvero came home-" I say but Stella cut me off. "Did you guys do it?!" She asks me. "No, I'm not ready to do that with him or anyone," I say and she nods her head.

"So like I was saying last night Alvaro came home hurt covered in blood. And when we were in his room alone instead of me taking care of him we talked about my past and he took care of me." I say and again a smile appears on my face. 

"Alana please watch out for Alvaro, he's a dangerous man and I don't want you hurt," Stella says. "I know it's not like I'm in love with him I just thought it was cute," I say. 

Stella nods and turns back to her book and my belly starts to growl. I get up and walk towards the kitchen and make myself some food and it. 

After that, I decided to go to Alvaro's office because I'm bored and the last time I was there I saw a couple of books I want to read. When I get there I hear Gio's voice. Why is this dude everywhere I want to go?

"Didn't her father die in 2018?" Gio asks I think Alvaro. "I guess not because it says he was kidnapped that day here." I hear Alvaro say. Who are they talking about? "You should tell her it's her dad, she probably misses him." I hear Gio say. "I don't want to give her false hope what if it is not him." Ok, I'm done.

I knock on the door and the guys stop talking. Alvero opens the door and I walk into his office. "What are you doing here?" He asks. "You said if you need anything I can come here and I need entertainment, so I came to steal your books and read them. " I say picking up a romance book and sitting on the couch. Gio walks out of the room and Alvero sits down next to me. Weird.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks me. "Yeah, what is it?" He signs and runs a hair through his hair. "What do you know about your dad?" He asks me. Why would he want to know about my dad? "He was a businessman. I don't know what exactly did, he never wanted to tell me because I was too young. And then him and had an accident, he didn't make it but I did." I tell him "Why do you want to know?" I ask him after and look into his eyes.

His eyes remind me of my dad's. My dad was Italian and so am I, well I'm mixed whit the white species. I look a lot like my dad but sometimes I wish I had his eyes. Just too feel his comfort every time I look in the mirror. I miss him a lot and just wish he was here. 

"I was just curious." He says getting up and sitting down behind his desk. "Who's someone who you'd never want to get  hurt?" He asks me. "My mom, she has gone through so much. Losing my dad wasn't easy for her so I'd never want her to get hurt again." He nods, and now I'm curious why he would want to know all of that.


 Yesterday after I was done reading a couple of chapters of the book I asked her about Gio. Victoria looks really happy. She told me ever since she came here she had and crush on him and a couple of months ago he finally stopped ignoring her presence. So now they've been on the low for six months. 

I walk towards Vic and Stella's room to see they are ready to eat breakfast. We go down and as usual, I sit down right next to Alvaro. I pick up an egg sandwich and put it on my plate. While doing so I feel a pair of olive-green eyes on me.

"You know staring is rude," I say looking back at Alvaro. "Well, then you're a lucky girl 'cause I'm a rude man." He says back with a smirk on his face. "You're a man? Funny. You're just a boy." I say back without any hesitation. Which, he isn't but calling the male species that always makes them mad. "I could show you but I'm afraid that would be inappropriate." He said back and it makes me blush. God, why does this man make me blush? 

I keep eating until I hear Alvaro talk to Gio in Italian. "Lo voglio morto stanotte." (I want him dead tonight.) He says. Wait who does he want dead? "Sei sicuro che lo voglia?" (You know for sure if she wants that?) Gio, ask him. Wait for who is he going to kill? "No, ma lo sto facendo per lei." Alvaro says. Wait, do they know I can understand? "Sai che ti capisco." (You know I undersand you.) I say. "Yeah I know I just don't care." He answers. 

"Who are you going to kill?" I ask him. "Your little step dad Steve." He says smirking. 

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