chapter sixteen

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Alana Romano

I wake up from the sunlight coming through the window. I try to roll on my stomach but strong arms block me from doing so. I look up and Alvero's still asleep. I try getting out of his grip but he just tightens it. The motherfucker is awake as he can be. "Alvero you're suffocating me with your grip," I say and he still doesn't let go. "If you don't let go I..." I stop to think a bit but then I come up with an idea. "I will not give you any kisses for 3 weeks," I say. In a split second, he let go of me.

"That's not fair you were blackmailing me." He says in his deep morning voice.  "Well, life ain't fair get used to it," I say getting up and walking towards the shower. I hear footsteps behind me but don't mind and get undressed to get into the shower. The stream of water hits and a bit after I feel Alvero's arms around me. I turn around and he kisses me on the tip of my nose. 

"What are we going to do today?" I ask hoping he's not going to say it's a surprise. "We're going to have a wedding planner help us. I know you said you wanted a summer wedding so we're having the wedding in  two weeks." He says while washing my hair. "Two weeks is not enough time to plan a wedding Alvero," I say turning to him. "Maybe for broke people but for us it is." He says. "Just show pictures of how you want it and the wedding planner will make sure it happens." We wash our bodies and get out of the shower. 

I take one of my black dresses out and put them on. I don't know why but I always end up wearing black. I turn around and Alvero is wearing black jeans, not skinny I'd end him right here, and a black hoodie with some random print on it. "Let's go gorgeous we'll be late." He says while wrapping his arms around me. 

He opens my car door and get's in it himself. When he has started driving he puts his hand on my thighs. Aww, he's so sweet. Haven't heard from you in a while. Yeah, don't get used to it. I look around and see a board with Boston written on it. How far from home are we? The radio is on and a Tupac song comes along. I notice Alvero mouthing the lyrics. "I never knew you liked Tupac," I said. "Yeah, I always have, when you're in the mafia you kind of relate to his lyrics." He says. "Although mafia is next level from the ghetto." I nod my head understanding.

Al this mafia shit creeps me out. All those men walking around with knives and big guns. People are being trained to kill Alvero or hurt him. I can't go anywhere or I will be killed or kidnapped without guards. And all the random people coming in and out of the house to do biscuits. And last but not least men think they can talk the way they want to you. 

After a while, we drive into Boston and are in the centrum. The beautiful skyscrapers that look like they are hitting the sky all around us. Girls walking around with the most beautiful outfits. Then we stop in front of a small building with wedding stuff drawn on the door. "This girl her family has always planned my family's wedding. So we kind of grew up together so she's always... a lot when she sees me. Just so you're prepared." Alvero says. I nod my head and get out of the car.

The door of the building opens and a tall woman with strawberry blond hair walks out. "Alvero, long time no see." She says hugging him tightly, almost too tight. "So this is the girl, never thought I'd see you here to get married yourself." She says. "I'm Destiny, the wedding planner. Just tell me what you want and I'll give you your dream wedding." She says while hugging me and just like Avero very tight. "Destiny you're suffocating her," Alvero says. "Oh sorry, come on in we'll start with what kind of theme you want," she says while pulling me in.


"Okay, so next week Alana will go choose her dress with her mom and friend. While Alvero goes to choose a suit with his dad and brother." Destiny says to explain the last few things. "We'll decorate  everything two days before and the day before we'll practice everything." She hands me some papers with all the information.  "And in two days I'll send every invitation." She says finally.  She hugs us goodbye before we get into the car.

We start driving towards the house in silents. Not an awkward one, this one feels peaceful. "So we're getting married in two weeks," I say. "Yep, we are. Are you excited?" Alvero aks. I nod my head. I never thought I'd get married to a mafia boss. Although I'd never thought I would get married in the first place. I thought that Steve would kill me before I got a chance to even fall in love. 

Not that I love Alvero it would be too soon. We just know each other for like three months. I don't know much about him just that he's a mafia boss. That's it. I know when he's angry or happy, I always analyze how people show their emotions I have done this since I was little.

We get to the house and I immediately lay down on the sofa. "What do you want to eat?" Alvero asks me. You. Can you shut up for once he's talking about food. Tell me I was lying. You weren't but still. "As good that that sounds, I am talking about food." Alvero says with a smirk on his face. I look at him confused, what the fuck is he talking about? "It nice hearing that you want to eat me but I am ordering pizza." He says and he walks away. Shit I am a fucking idiot.

I know some of you guys forgot they were engaged so here a little reminder. 

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